T H E  E V E N T S  P R I O R
1996   Acrylic   16" x 20"

A distortion of Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle, that simultaneous correlated events must have prior common causes...

ONE DOLLAR BILL, corrected: Washington, his eyes closed, lips tightly shut, sealed from the world in his little oval force field...
PROTOCOL as in Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion...federal reSERVE NOTe...the imperial eagle rising like a phoenix, the Star of David rubbed out...

TITANIC, corrected: Doomed before it left the docks by an ironic idiot god who asked, "Unsinkable?"

VOYAGER PROBE, corrected: Out into space we threw the Voyager, racially mixed people etched onto it, the male with his arm up heiling all comers, a map of where we are, a golden record encoded with many kinds and forms of information and history about this planet so that when they invade they have the whole story. Of course, we only told them the
good parts...

SMALL BOY, corrected: a small jewish boy in the ghetto, pretty much rubbed out because a few minutes or months after his image was captured he was toast...


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Jennifer Bates