* October 13th - I will be attending back to back Sloan concerts on the 16th and 17th of October.  The 16th is the release of there new album, "Pretty Together", so hopefully they stick around and party.  It will be a rockin good time regardless!

*Oct 23rd - Well it has been a little while since I have updated this thing.  I had a super time at the Sloan shows last week.  After the first show I stuck around and talked with and got autographs from the members of Sloan.  It was AWESOME, to say the least!

*Nov 15 - Well it is smack in the middle of craziness for university students.  I have an exam this saturday, thats right, school on saturday kids!  Don't worry I am dealing with the stress though and everything will be fine.  I hope everyone else is doing well.

*Nov 25 - I spent today on a road trip to Montreal to watch the Grey Cup.  It was a great game, and to top it off my team, the Calgary Stampeders won.  We had awesome seats and the crowd was super loud.  I can now say I have been to a Grey Cup!

*Dec 1 - I am now done all my assignments for university this semester.  I just handed in my final 15 page assignment for Co-op.  Now I just have 3 exams to worry about.  Today is "drunk day" at Ali and Robyn's place, so there won't be any school talk until after the weekend.

*Dec 18/19 - Tonight I went and watched, The Lord Of The Rings.  It was three hours long, but well worth it.  I think I was the only person that didn't have glasses or a degree in computer science, but its ok.  It is worth the money to watch it in the theatr.

*Jan 10 - I am back in Ottawa.  I had a good christmas and didn't really want to come back to school work.  Things will get back to normal though and I will flow through the rest of the year.  I hope you all  had good Christmas's too.
Old News!
*Jan 10 - I am back in Ottawa.  I had a good christmas and didn't really want to come back to school work.  Things will get back to normal though and I will flow through the rest of the year.  I hope you all  had good Christmas's too.

*Jan 12 -  As you may, or may not have noticed, there have been some major changes to my page.  Well maybe not major but I have changed the look a little.  I guess it is a new year, so my page should get a new look.

*Feb 10 - My friends and I have started a new web page.  It has articles written by my friends Pete, Rob, James and also by me.  You can view it at: www.puregold.cooltrap.com It is updated weekly so check back often!

*March 4 - As you can see I have updated my picture, something I know you have all been waiting for.  You can also watch for the march madness page to start coming together in the next couple weeks.  If you would like to be apart of it, just drop me a line.

*March 13 - The March Madness Pool is up and ready to go.  The Madness starts tomorrow afternoon.  There is a record ammount of people signed up this year, so it should be a good one!

*April 4 - The March Madness pool is now over.  The winner of the men's tournament pool was Myself.  The winner of the women's tournament pool was Kim Landon.  Thank You to everyone that entered.