I have been asked many times about “problems” CoCo users have had using the Tandy Direct Connect (DC) Modem Pak (Cat. #26-2228). Most commonly I am asked, “How do I download using the Modem Pak?” and “How can I modify it to operate at speeds greater than 300 bps?” Other questions involve using the DC Modem Pak with disk drives and the CoCo 3’s 80-column display.
The problems with downloading, the 80-column display and use with disk drives can be solved by using one of many third-party terminal programs that support the DC Modem Pak. V-term, Delphiterm, and Mikeyterm (among others) include the ability to change the IO port address to support this. However, the DC Modem Pak is still limited to 300 bps operation, which is sorely inadequate for uploading and downloading. There is no way to increase the speed of the modem section inside the DC Modem Pak.
For the past several years, I have advised CoCo users with Disk Basic terminal programs to discard or return their DC Modem Paks, then buy a 1200-bps modem to use with the serial port on the back of the CoCo. I further instructed users of OS-9 terminal programs to consider purchasing a Tandy, Disto or Orion RS-232 pack to allow operation at 1200 and 2400 bps, and higher transmission rates.
The DC Modem Pak is for use only as a 300-bps modem. RS-232 packs can be used with 1200, 2400 and 9600 bps modems, and with null-modem cables at up to 19,200 bps, to rapidly and reliably exchange data between a CoCo and another computer. Needless to say, an RS-232 pack is a handy thing to have. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a way to turn the Modem Pak into an RS-232 pack?
Over time, I thought more and more about such a conversion. The price of the DC Modem Pak got lower and lower – it is now around $10 at stores that have it in stock. The Tandy RS-232 Pak and the Multi-Pak Interface were discontinued and are impossible to find. The Disto/CRC replacement RS-232 pack doesn’t work with Y-cables or with the Slot Pak III (a replacement for the Multi-Pak).
Having observed long ago the roughly two thirds of the DC Modem Pak circuitry is nearly identical to that in the RS-232 Pak, I finally approached The Rainbow and a Color Computer vendor about the possibility of bringing to the public the information and means to convert DC Modem Paks. This article, and the products and services detailed later, are the result. With the information contained in this article, you’ll be able to turn a Tandy DC Modem Pak into an RS-232 pack that works with the Multi-Pak, the Slot Pak III and standard Y cables. Before going into the details, I point out that this modification is destructive to the modem section of the pak. As such, performing the modification most certainly voids any existing warranty for your DC Modem Pak.
Both the standard RS-232 Pak and the DC Modem Pak plug into the Color Computer via a 40-pin edge connector. Both use a 6551 ACIA and a 1.832-MHz crystal to convert signals into serial data. Both interface the 6551 to the Color Computer by directly decoding four ports and both also allow the 6551 to send interrupts to the Color Computer via the *CART line. They even use the same small-scale logic chips (a 74LS133 and a 74LS04) to decode the four ports used by the 6551.
However, the DC Modem Pak sends the handshake and serial data signals from the 6551 directly to the on-board 300-bps telephone modem, while all the current RS-232 packs convert these signals to or from RS-232 voltage levels transmitted via a female DB-25 connector. In addition, the RS-232 Pak maps its 6551 to addresses $FF68 through $FF6B, whereas the Modem Pak uses addresses $FF6C through $FF6F. So the Modem Pak must be readdressed. Also, those who plan to use the converted Modem Pak with a Y cable must disable its ROM. This isn’t too difficult, and I encourage all who use this information to do this, as well.
The listing provided here is meant to give the reader a reasonable idea of the minimum complement of tools required. As with any hardware project, however, experienced tinkerers may substitute other appropriate tools once they understand what needs to be done. You should have:
You’ll need a pencil-type soldering iron for this project. It must have a fine pointed tip and produce a tip temperature between 650 and 850 degrees Fahrenheit. The big irons used to make stained glass windows and soldering guns designed for working with 18-gauge wire are not acceptable – they will almost certainly destroy your DC Modem Pak board. A tool like the Radio Shack 15-watt pencil iron (Cat. #64-2051) will do the job, though higher-quality pencil irons are desirable if you can get one.
You should use 60-40 rosin-core solder for this project. (62-38 solder is also acceptable.) The solder you select should be fairly fine (22 to 25-gauge). Large-gauge, acid-core and no-core solder are not acceptable.
A solder sucker (such as Radio Shack Cat. #64-2098) is extremely helpful should you accidentally form a solder bridge between two pins on an IC during installation. I recommend the solder sucker highly and think little of using solder wicks for removing solder.
I recommend you use 30-gauge wire-wrap wire. However, 24-gauge stranded wire will work fine.
To convert the DC Modem Pak, you must build a small circuit board with a female DB-25
connector, a 16 pin DIP socket and four small capacitors. The socket will hold
a MAXIM MAX232 or Harris/Intersil ICL232 level-converter chip. The schematic
for the circuit is shown in Figure 1.
The approach you take in building the board is up to you, but I can offer some suggestions.
Use a right angle, female DB-25 connector that is designed to be mounted on a printed circuit board. Mount this connector upside-down (so the pins stick up in the air) at the edge of your circuit board. This allows you to conveniently solder wires to the pins. I suggest this because few general purpose circuit boards have holes in the staggered arrangement required for DB-type connectors.
Cut the circuit board so that it is exactly 3-3/4 inches wide and about 2 inches long. This way, it will fit snugly in the area where the modem currently resides in the lower half of the Modem Pak shell. Drill two holes in the board exactly where the mounting holes for the old modem used to go, so you can conveniently mount the circuit board in the shell where the modem used to be. Look at Photo 1 to see how the completed project looks.
Photo 1
The modified pack can be used with virtually all terminal-emulator programs and external modems (that use a standard male-DB-25-to-male-DB-25 serial cable). Because the MAX232 and ICL232 chips have internal charge pumps and voltage inverters, they can generate sources of both plus and minus 10 volts internally to supply the RS-232 level converters. Yet they operate from a single +5-volt power supply. This allows the pack to be easily used with a Y cable or the Slot Pak.
The conversion I have described supports only the RxD, TxD, CD and DTR lines of the 6551. These are the only lines actually used by the vast majority of applications for CoCo users. A few users may need to have support for some of the other RS-232 lines, such as DSR, RTS and CTS – especially if you use MNP or V.42bis error-correcting and data-compressing modems. These can be supported by adding another level converter chip and its accompanying capacitors. If you are supporting the DSR line, you must first disconnect Pin 17 of the 6551 from ground, where it is now connected, before you connect it to a level converter. If you are supporting the CTS line, you must also sever the connection on the Modem Pak board between pins 16 and 9 of the 6551. Additionally, I recommend you use a 10K-ohm pull-up resistor connected to +10 or +12 volts on the RS-232 side of the CTS input.
The 6551 ACIA chip used in the DC Modem Pak, like that used in the Tandy RS-232 Pak, is rated for operation with a 1-MHz 6809 system. It is not the 6551A chip that is rated for operation at 2MHz. However, experience with the older RS-232 Paks has shown that, in practice, only a very few 1-MHz 6551 chips present problems working with a CoCo at 2-MHz. If your modified pack works fine when your CoCo is set to 1 MHz, but locks up or otherwise displays problems when the CoCo is set to 2 MHz, you may have to desolder and socket the chip, then replace it with a 6551A.
If you are a hardware tinkerer with a moderate amount of experience, you should be able to accomplish this conversion with generally available raw materials. Unfortunately, some of the parts required are not available from Radio Shack. Frys Electronics (340 Portage Avenu, Palo Alto, CA 94306) can supply you with the required level-convertoer chip and the right-angle, PC-mount DB-25 connector. Radio Shack carries a selection of circuit boards.
To make things far easier for tinkerers to accomplish this conversion, I and Dave Myers of CoCoPRO! have created a conversion kit that includes the level-converter printed-circuit board with components soldered in place. Those who purchase this kit need only perform the fairly simple installation procedures described above. This can save several hours of time, and avert a number of possible mistakes.
If you are not a tinkerer, take heart. You can send your old DC Modem Pak to CoCoPRO! For a fee, CoCoPRO! will install the conversion and return the converted pack to you. Finally, CoCoPRO! also sells the CoCoPRO! RS-232 Pak. This is a DC Modem Pak already converted as described in this article. Check the CoCoPRO! advertisement in this issue for pricing on these products and services. Happy hacking, and I’ll see you on Delphi!
H. Goodman, M.D., is a physician trained in anesthesiology, is a longtime
electronics tinkerer and outspoken commentator - sort of the Howard Cosell of
the CoCo world. On Delphi, Marty is the SIGop of Rainbow’s CoCo SIG and
database manager of OS-9 Online. His non-computer passions include running,
mountaineering and outdoor photography. Marty lives in San Pablo, California.
article originally appeared in The Rainbow, July 1991
Scans provided by Ray Watts, conversion by Robert Emery