Color Computer Turbo Light

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High speed indicator

Want to know when your CoCo is running at 2MHz? Not only a good reminder about disk I/O and possible I/O issues, some of us just like to know when programs are using it. And if you've repacked your CoCo into a PC case like I have, it's really cool to have a *functional* turbo LED!

It works great on CoCo3's... I have yet to test it on my CoCo1. Will update this spot when done.

Special thanks to Richard Lorbieski, who gave me his permission to share this article, which originally appeared in The Rainbow, May '91 (correction appeared in August). Thanks also to Robert Sherwood for the excellent scans (with corrections no less!), Bruce Calkins for pointing me to the article in the first place and of course to The Rainbow, without which all of our CoCo's would surely have been less fun!

So what are you waiting for? It's a very easy circuit to build and cheap! I spent about $2.00 at the local electronics store, including a small perf-board. Here's how I laid it out:

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