Photography by George W. Calef


All of my life I have adored Elephants. Since I was a little girl and I used to gaze up at a picture my Mum had of a majestic bull elephant charging. He was magnificent, raising his heavy trunk into the air and the dust flying all around him as his huge body propelled him over the plains.

Close your eyes and dream what I saw, smell the dusty air and the heavy scent of the elephant, taste the energy on your tongue and feel the mighty vibrations in your body as he charges toward you. Feel the massive power of this ancient and royal being.

I feel it, because it is part of the universal energy of all things. We all are part of it, every breath we take, every tear we cry and every word we give voice to, is just as powerful as that charging bull elephant so far away in Africa.

We are so lucky to have these creatures to wonder at, to look up to.

An elephant has emotions and is capable of grieving and of great happiness. An elephant can get angry and passionate just like you and I.

And yet, even today the very existence of these animals is threatened beyond all reasoning. There are still people who place a monetary value on it's tusks, still people who use them as entertainment and beat and abuse them. There are still elephants locked away in zoo's with no freedom, attached to an ankle chain so it cannot roam too near to us; the humans who's curiosity so often does not extend to wondering how this makes a creature like this feel. We still watch them suffer, we still turn a blind eye to their pain. Nothing we can do? Oh yes so much!

There are many international organisations desperately trying to save the elephants in India and Africa and in zoos, circuses and captivity all over this planet.

There are petitions, adoptions, donations and programmes to re introduce them back into their natural habitat or for those where this is not possible, to give them enough space to wander and roam and to be happy.

Imagine for a moment that you are shut in a cupboard, chained to the door. You can only come out when your ‘owner’ allows you to, only feed when it is given to you. You cannot run, you cannot hide. Imagine that you are being prodded with a bull hook to do what you are told or electrocuted with a pole and then paraded in front of a load of humans and made to do tricks that you really should not do because you could become seriously injured.

Imagine that you get so angry that you use all of your fantastic power to escape, you cause chaos and fear, but nothing like the fear you are suffering. You thrash out at anything, and you trample all beneath your feet. You kill your keeper………………..and then……….they kill you.

Maybe you are thinking, 'No, this doesn't happen anymore.... does it?

Yes it does.

On this website I will be adding every spark of information | can find about the elephants. My intention as you may have gathered from the last few paragraphs is to make you FEEL, and UNDERSTAND, to OPEN YOUR EYES to what is really happening.

I sincerely hope and pray that you will enjoy what you find here, that you laugh and you cry and you are surprised and enlightened, horrified and relieved.

I will not hide the truth no matter how horrific.

It is time.........


   Thank you very, very much mary Alice. You are my inspiration, without you I would have never started to do what I always knew I should. You rekindled my passion for protecting my age old chilhood friend. Bless you xxxx

Thank you so much Al and Elaine, you have given me such strength and courage my dear friends xxxx

I have received many awards for my other website, all beautiful and gratefully received. But to receive these two awards form such dear and incredible people when this site is still in it's infancy and just as I have begun my journey to help the elephants, was incredibly moving and very surprising. You all give me strength and so much determination to do that which I believe in my heart to be the best thing I could ever do.

Thank you my dear Mary Alice and Elaine and Al from the bottom of my soul x