The Xev-olution of Zev

How Zev became Xev!

What do you mean?!
Well, before she became Xev, Zev became Zev and...
oh'll see!


... Lisa Hines
Zev of B3K  as the Love Slave..     Who became Xev...of B3K!Xenia Seeberg

                                                                                         Eva Haberman

It may be hard to believe, but all three are the same character!
Well, that's not entirely true...mostly yes, but not completely....

Mom and Dad say goodbye
2,000 years after our story began, Zev of  B3K was still a very young child.  Her parents no longer wanted to raise and
care for Zev, so they shipped her off to the holocare home, the dumping place for kids.  Zev would not see her parents ever again.


Zev and the Wife Bank Matron

From the holocare home, Zev graduated to the Wife-Bank, where she was trained to be in subservienvce to any
man who might become her husband.  After all, the goal of the Wife-Bank was to turn out very submissive women.
Training was non-stop and in less than 6 years, Zev was ready to graduate.

"I'm not gonna marry that FAT COW!  Get her outta here!"

But on her wedding day, her pre-adolescent groom rejected her.
So Zev did what any self-respecting bride to be would've done on her Wedding Day...
she laid him out with a single punch!
Zev was then arrested and  shipped off to TheCluster-
 the Home Planet of the League of Twenty-Thousand...
and Home of His Divine Shadow.

    The Defender                 The Magistrate               The Prosecutor

She was tried in the holographic courtroom and sentenced to the Lusticon and
"The Love Slave Treatment" for "Failing to perform her wifely duties"
and insulting her Groom while in the Temple.

"Send me to the Protein Bank!
I don't want to live this terrible life anymore!"

 Zev would be given the body of Venus  and an  insatiable sexual drive along with the "Love slave programming."
She was further sentenced to be sent to a monastery on one of the Divine Order's far away planets
to service the clerics as their house love slave.

Then things really started going wrong.

 Thodin awaits his trial.  Recognize him?  It's Barry Bostwick!

Unbeknownst to Zev, the Arch Heretic Thodin had been captured by
The Divine Order
and was to be sentenced that
very same day.

Cluster Lizards...they love human brains!

The Arch-Heretic Thodin had arranged to steal the Lexx and escape from The Cluster.
During the chaos created during Thodin's attempted escape, brain-eating Cluster Lizards
had somehow  escaped their cages and were
running wild everywhere on The Cluster.
A few of them had made their way to the Chamber that held Zev and the Lusticon.


Just as the Lusticon started downward, several Cluster Lizards burst into the Lusticon chamber
and devoured the human part of the 790 series robotic drones that operated most of the machinery on The Cluster.
During the struggle, another Cluster Lizard rolled up to the Lusticon and tried to eat  Zev's brain
just as the as the Lusticon closed upon them.

A robotic 790 drone gets ready to serve up some dinner...itself!

         Yum! Dessert Time!            A pressingly confusing matter.


The Lusticon also chopped off most of the head of the Cluster Lizard.
As the Cluster Lizard's body thrashed wildly around, it bumped the on switch to start
the Love Slave transformation process.



After the machine had completed the physical part of the transformation process,
Zev emerged like a Cluster version of Botticelli's "Birth of Venus.".

Blonde, brunette or redhead?  Make-over time!



Okay, the giant clamshell is missing, but what a birth!

But the transformation was not yet complete.
The Lusticon's attitude adjustment dome was about to come down on Zev's head.
This is where the Love Slave psychology was inserted.  The Love Slave Programming
would make the recipient fall in love with the first human she would lay her eyes on, male or female.
Knowing this, Zev got off of the table and grabbed the now body less 790 robot head
and stuck it under the brainwash dome.

          Zev acts quickly                         Brainwash time.                        "I will love you forever!"

When the Lusticon had finished the with the Love Slave Programming, the dome rose up
and the 790 robot head immediately fell in love with Zev and pledged it's eternal love to her.

The Original Zev-
Eva Haberman

And that's how Zev became Zev.  But that's only the beginning. did Zev become...Xev!?

That's enough for now...take me to the home page

Err...I meant take me back to the crew page

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