Chin colors explained
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This is a rather bold statement, I know!!!   I am constantly learning myself.  But I have had so many people ask me for help in this area I will attempt an explonation that is easier to follow.   You are most welcome to post your comments and questions HERE.
There are  six dominate genes in chinchillas.  Standard gray makes up 90% of the population. 
Dominate color genes includes
Beige, which is the only dom gene that can be seen in both heterozygous and homozygous color phases.   Black Velvet (an incomplete dominate) and "White" both carry a semi lethel gene that prevents animals for existing in anything except the hetro form.  
There are three recessive genes.  Two of these in chins are VIOLET & SAPPHIRE. This means the gene must be present in both parents genetics for the young to show it in the homozygous form.   If a parent is a violet and their mate is std gray but CARRIES violet, then 50% will carry violet behind the gray and 50% will be Violet. If a std gray, non violet carrier, is breed to violet then all babies will be gray vio carriers.  Breed 2 gray violet carriers (vc), 25% of the young will be violet, 25% pure gray and 50% are gray vc...It is not really possible to be sure which grays are which unless you breed them to a violet.  This is also true when using Sapphire instead of Violet.   Then along comes EBONY.... which can be a compounding of both dominate and recessive black genes (charcoal).
Ebony is black- solid black (no white belly) but this can vary a lot from a pitch black to a charcoal with lighter undercoar. The best  genetic description that I have heard is "weakly dominate recessive".  Ebony can be compounded on it self to produce the rich black shiney coat.  But as in "carrier" form, the weakest expression is a gray wrap or charcoal.  This phase omits the white belly of the standard gray to create a solid gray coat or "wraps" the color around the body.  The debate as to whether it truly exist in hetro and homo phases is rather interesting... see more here.
Ebony can also pair with the ID colors easily then either violet or sapphire.
~ VIOLET      ~     SAPPHIRE      ~     EBONY ~
<< Roo and beige son
A word on Chin Types
Iowa Small  Pet Show 2003
Breeding Black to White
Chin Rescue Resource
More on genetics from the MCBA