So, you think you want to get a chinchilla for a pet?  Please examine the links below.
Email LARS, theRodentGuy!
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Baby Chin Pics

All original photographic images and text are property of the site owner and copyright is to rodentguy@hotmail, or as credited. 
Use by premission only
If you would like to see the birth of 2 baby chins
Chins For Sale:
    Young & Babys                      Adults
Check out our
Chin Care Packages
Why chins as pets?
There are many adult chins that are marvelous pets as they mature.  Some may not have been bonded to humans when young, but can mature to be a buddy to some one!
Is a chinchilla the best pet for me?
One of my other interests- Plants and Gardening!
I am formerly a M.C.B.A MEMBER and also sat on the Midwest Chapter board of directors. 
I encourage anyone involved with breeding chinchillas, at any level, to join this national organization.
Chin questionaire - Some thoughts and questions we may ask before you get a pet - CLICK HERE
Chicnchilla Purchase Agreement
CandleBright Chinchillas policies
Payment, deposits, weaning age, new parent responsibilities
What will come with my chin from CandleBright?
Pro's and cons:
keeping a pet chin
Why we dont ship
Equipment and other things to look for when selecting a chin
General topics and various issues to help educate yourself on chinchilla's