Things to know about your pet chinchilla
In general, chins are rather healthy animals.  Proper breeding and good early care by the breeder will enhance this factor. You can maintain that in your pets by a good basic diet, regular routine,  proper temperture and medium humidity levels.  With this type of care, most chins will not have to see a vet during their lifetime.
This is not to say that chins should be ignored in the area of health care.  You must be vigilant, since most chins will hide / subdue most health issues until it has become quite desparate. 
This is when most keepers will run for the first vet office that will see their pet.
Please don't have this happen to you.  It is best to find a vet that has experience in exotic animals and have experience in treating chins. Find this clinc and speak with the vet as well as the staff before you need them.

Teeth / Mouth

Fur Fungus &  Fur chewing

Hair Rings (males)
Poop Eating

The Chinchilla voice and
their annonying habits.

Wood - Do's and Don'ts

Dust Baths