Friends 10 NexT>>
PICS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Nikki^^^                  Mason^^
          The band Anal Blow Out
      Nick       Cody      Tommy(i think)
The many Poses of Cody this one is called the seXXXy Pose(left) the laughing pose cuz im really laughing pose(bottom)
Zack the guy who introduced me to At The DriveIN, SPARTA, & The Mars Volta...luck him got to go see SPARTA.....grrr.        
Inez & Jeff
                            \/ JOSE \/
Inez being stupid and all excited cuz its picture day....look at the smile :-D\/\/\/\/\
Jose Drinking some Good Apple Carrot Juice and the troll known as Belen\/