Gatagatamon's embrassing Nicknames
This is sooo embrassing l don't even think l should dp this because l am a queen and queen shouldn't have to do soo many embrassing things such as haveto type out a page like this one. Well anyways since l have to do this and katie will get mad at me if l don't so that that'll make Kabmon (the idit) look good, and Kabmon should never look good sinces he dosn't look good at all.Anyways this is a long embrassing list ok all the things me a queen gets called:
-stupid  -idit -#$%%^ -gatty - gata -queen(*sign* no l don't get called that) -G-mon -g -pig -cat -another%^%^^% - goldy (don't ask!)  -lambchops -digimon with big earing - what's your name again
     Most of the ones above l get called from mean , idit Kabmon!!!
-digi   -gatagatamon(finnally someone calls me by the right name!!)

        These (embrassing are so far what have been called so far!! And none , None f them are anything nice!!!! It's not fair! I wanna quit this stupid typing !!!!!!!!!!