Gatagatamon's Rant House
Hello, this is Gatagatamon, the QUEEN Gatagatamon! Yes, that's right, it's just that Kate never wants to talk about me being a queen, she get's embarrassed...don't know why.... Kabmon is NOT one of us! She is a nobody! Yamon, can be a suck up. Now, getting back to my rant page about ME, the QUEEN, I would like to say there is NO digimon that even comes CLOSE to being as cool as me, QUEEN Gatagatamon. Well, Hazelmon is SECOND coolest after ME. Now, I would like to talk about yesterday. You see, Kabmon had MY favourite stuffed mouse with a little catnip in it and took it away from me, which she KNOWS, I DON'T like that! So to get back at her, I rose my very best paw, claws extended, and........Kate came into the room and said " STOP THAT!". How fair is that? She still has my favourite toy! So just this morning, I went up and snatched her bow right off her head. That's right, Kabmon's bow can come off any time, it's just that she doesn't like that. Kabmon took a look at me with her stupid twinkly eyes, and said STOOOP THAAAAT! In a squeeky voice. I took my beautiful eyes, and made them look angry. Then, using MY sleek tail, I swapped it in her ugly face, but, as usual, Kate came over and said "That's no way to act to your sister!" I started to say " But she took my squeeky toy!" But she wasn't listening, she was paying attention to poor ol' Kabmon, blegh! Poor ol' Kabmon, I mumbled to myself, let's throw her outside....... anyway, getting back to MY squeeky toy that is still lost, I would like to say, that NEVER EVER EVER trust that stupid stupid face Kabmon, because she! Yeah, that's it! Stupid! Everything about her is just....stupid!

Gatagatamon! What are your writing?!

Uh comes Katie to look at my page! Well, just remember, NEVER EVER trust Kabmon because she is um....umm.....stupid! Bye!! *scampers off*

Hello everyone this is gatagatamon the queen of the universe! You remember how Kabmon still has my toy *the idiot* Well, one day, actually was yesterday, I was sleeping taking a very big nap for my beauty sleep (after all, queens MUST have beauty sleep in order to be beautiful, like me) And I was just closing my eyes, having a peaceful dream that Kabmon was dead, and then suddenly I heard a bell! I opened my one eye, after all, queens don't have to open both eyes. And I saw it, it was my favourite toy! My absolute favourite toy! The most perfect toy! I love that toy.... and I thought about what happened two days ago. Kabmon probably being the idiot stupid digimon an' all, forgot the toy. So I decided to go and take my toy back before she got her grimy little paws on it again. And just as I was going to touch it, my toy MOVED!! I jumped in the air (not scared, ofcourse. Queens don't get scared) And then I came back down, as perfect as an angel (because queens are perfect, like me) I went to snatch my toy, because the toy probably moved because of the wind (not that it doesn't like me, or anything..... all toys like me because I am queen, and everyone likes the queen!) I went and I was so my favourite toy and then it moved AGAIN!! This time, I didn't jump this time (because queens don't jump twice, it's a rule in my book of perfect rules) SO I went up to snatch it again, and it's started to RUN!! I swear, it ran!! So I ran after it too!! (delicately, ofcourse) I began to think of Kabmon, not that I wanted to think of her, it just came to my mind... What if she had planned this trick on me?? Because she's jealous that I'm a queen, that's why... But then I remembered what a stupid, low-class digimon she is. And I ran after my toy even faster. We ran corner to  corner, left to right! Forward, backward, well.....not backward.... suddenly we made a turn. I could almost feel it with my claws. And suddenly....just as I was about to sink my teeth into that toy.... it JUMPED! So I jumped too! I was gonna catch that toy no matter what, because I'm a QUEEN!! A QUEEN I TELL YOU!!!! Then, I remembered something....but it was too late. That I, Queen Gatagatamon, do not jump twice!! But that's besides the point..... the IMPORTANT thing that I remembered was that I was running into and jumping into a bathtub filled with water!! Suddenly, I splashed! And queen's HATE water because we're clean. Water splashed everywhere as my feet pounced into the bathtub filled with water. Water splashed everywhere , including ME ...and the TOY!!!!  I heard a couple of giggles...and sneers.... it was KABMON!! She planned this!! What a moron!! Stupid stupid stupid @&%!#*!%@^^!&%!!!!!!!!! Kill her kill her kill her!! I am wet, and my toy is wet too!!HOW RUDE!! How low-class.....

Gatagatamon!!! How could you do this, I just spent this morning cleaning the bathroom!! That is IT! And Kabmon, what are you looking at?! Go outside this instant!! NOW!!
(Kabmon goes outside) And YOU Gatagatamon, I don't even want to talk to you! Go outside, NOW!! Why can't you and your sister get like Yamon, she never gets in trouble. If I left you and Kabmon alone in this house, and when I came back there would be no house!! Now GO OUTSIDE!!!

But but--!! Kabmon played the trick on me!! I shouldn't have to do anything!! I've been good!! (I was just about to say this, but Katie just shook her head, muttering the worst digimon on the planet of the digiworld and walked out of the room)

So as you can see, or read, I, Gatagatamon, am here outside with my stupid idiot sister who started this all, pulling weeds..... and planting flowers..... it is very very cold weather..... I do not know where Yamon is, and I do not care.....because it is not fair that a queen like me has to be outside in the cold doing chores...and what is even worse is that Kabmon is not doing anything worse than me, she is doing the same thing, which is not fair because she's the one who started it, so she should have the worst chore, which would be cleaning out the me, it's the WORST!!

Well, I guess that's all, other than my regular saying that Kabmon is stupid and an idiot, she started all this, not I, the QUEEN. And that I wish, and I truly do wish this every single night hoping that it will come true, that she will be dead the next day. Now before I leave, I would like to say one last thing about Kabmon:

(Image drawn by Navi-chan)
This is a picture of me Queen Gatagatamon in a lovely pose if l do say so myself.