*Yamon's Secrets*
Hi. My name is Yamon. Sorry I didn't put my page up a while ago, Gatagatamon and Kabmon were fighting over it until Katie stopped them and sent them outside to plant the gardens as punishment,  so now it's my turn on the computer. I'm kinda scared...there's all these buttons and codes, it's all too confusing.......

Anyway, my name is Yamon.....oh, I said that already. Well, let's see......I'm a rookie digimon and I have two sisters named Gatagatamon and Kabmon. They always yell really loud, it makes me scared. Kabmon is hyper and likes candy, dolls, flowers, and other girly stuff, and Gatagatamon is mean and tough and likes to think she's the boss and the coolest digimon in the whole digital universe. Me, I guess I don't fit in anywhere. I like to read, watch soap operas, sit in the window, think about stuff, write poems, and stuff. Gatagatamon once found one of my poems, she said it was dumb and that I have messy writing. It made me cry, cuz I happened to like that poem and it' s hard to hold a pencil with paws. When Kabmon finds my poems, she goes nutty and shows them to Katie and asks if she can keep them. That doesn't make me sad, it makes me embarrassed cuz my poems are kinda private....... but Kabmon never understands the poems, anyway. But to keep them safe, just in case, I ........hid them in the willow tree east of the treehouse......don't tell anyone please, it's a secret.....
We live in a big treehouse on Chammomi Island in the digiworld. It's a beautiful place, but it has a bad reputation for being a hideout for evil digimon and unknown evil creatures  in the black desertified lands to the north, so no one ever comes here except for our friends. Ooh, my favourite soap starts in 5 minutes, gotta go!
Hello , again it's me yamon l just got back from my  soapopera show which made me cry cuz William my favorite character got killed in a car accident . Gatagatamon and Kabmon just got back from outside  pulling weeds l think , and when Gatagatamon saw me crying she said to me ,"Hey stop crying you stuckup , which made me cry more cuz, l really don't think that l'm a stuck do you ? I just finished writing one of my poems would you like to read it?Of course you can't tell Katie ,Gatagatamon,or anyone esle becauseit's a secrect . So iof you want to read the poem you can if not then you can scroll down to read the rest of what l wrote so he's the poem:
  (This poem is about Gatagatamon and Kabmon and what they're like)
    Nauty Claude
   When Little Claude was naughty wunst
   At dinnr-time an' said
   He won't say "Thank you " to his Ma,
  She maked him go to bed
  An' stay there two hours an' not git up,-
  So when the clock stuck Two,
Nen Claude says,-"Thank you , Mr.Clock,
I'm much obleged to you!"
It might have some words that you don't understand because write with old old writing , but l'm sure that l could tell you what it mans now , like an""' means and . So you can e-mail Katie's e-mail address (l really don't think it should belong to Gatagatamon and Kabmon because there's bad and definity not me because l'm too shy.

Anyways , Katie making a story called , " Mircale Founded " it's a pretty good story , just don't tell her because l wasn't allowed to tell you but l did. Everyone around here thinks tat l don't listen to music , but l do! I really do love Jpop , execpt l don't tell Katie or anyonesle because they'll  tease me about it . So please don't tell them or anyone anything l have told you because like l said before this is my secret.
Image drawn by Navi-chan
This is a picture of what l usally look like.