A Teen Drama Coming Soon.  Read our mission statement : HERE       

  Watch the promo trailer online.

Check here for listings. (coming soon)

 Episode Briefs Click Here.

   Limited Sponsorship Opportunities for FREE with commercial Production. Other opportunities starting at $50.00 The show will first  air in Hillsborough County this Spring.  We can produce your commercial for you.  Call for rates and details.  FInd out how to get FREE airtime.

Ask about our 1 day campaign package. Campaigns are made of THREE related ads.  You can use these ads with the show or for advertising with other stations and programs. Producing all three together saves us time, so it saves you $Money$.  Members of the cast of available to be spokespeople for your organization.

Special rates for non-profit organizations.  Teen groups, schools and related organizations are encouraged to participate.

Contact: for more information. Or Call 407-814-7929.

this site under construction.  Check Back Soon.

Hocus Focus Productions and The Shekinah team reserve the right to turn down sponsors we consider to be inconsistent with or contrary to the show's mission.