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Netrunner Trivia - v1.0 Limited Edition

 Specific Cards

Access to Arasaka

Access to Kiribati ACME Savings and Loan Antiquated Interface Routines Arasaka Portable Prototype Armoured Fridge Artificial Security Directors Asp Audit of Call Records Aujourd'Oui Back Door To Orbital Air Baedeker's Net Map Bakdoor Banpei Bartmoss Memorial Icebreaker Black Dahlia Boardwalk Bolter Cluster Butcher Boy Canis Major, Canis Minor Cerberus Chance Observation Chimera Cinderella City Surveillance Codeslinger Core Command: Jettison Ice Corporate Ally Corporate Boon Corprunner's Shattered Remains Crash Everett, Inventive Fixer Crystal Palace Station Grid Cyfermaster Data Masons Data Naga Datapool(R) by Zetatech Deep Thought Department of Truth Enhancement Detroit Police Contract Dieter Esslin Disinfectant Inc. Edgerunner Inc. Temps Emergency Self-Construct Encryption Breakthrough ESA Contract Executive Wiretaps Experimental AI Expert Schedule Analyser Fall Guy Fire Wall Flak Genetics-Visionary Acquisition Gideon's Pawnshop "Green Knight" Surge Buffers Grubb Hostile Takeover Hot Tip for WNS HQ Interface Haunting Inquisition I Got A Rock I Spy Ice and Data's Guide to the Net Ice Transmutation Information Laundering Invisibility Jack 'n' Joe Jackhammer Japanese Water Torture Joan of Arc Junkyard BBS Karl DeVeres Kilroy Was Here Leland, Corporate Bodyguard Livewire's Contacts Loan From Chiba Loony Goon misc.for-sale MIT West Tier Namatoki Plaza N.E.T.O. Netwatch Operations Office Neural Blade Nevinyrral New Galveston City Grid Newsgroup Filter Newsgroup Taunting Nomad Allies Omni Kismet, PhD On-Call Solo Team Open-Ended Mileage Program Pacifica Regional AI Pandora's Deck Pi in the 'Face Pile Driver Playful AI Political Overthrow Polymer Breakthrough Pox Priority Requisition Private Cybernet Police Private LDL Access Project Babylon Quest for Cattekin R&D Interface Raffles Razor Wire Rex Rigged Investments Rock Is Strong Rockerboy Promotion Ronin Around Rustbelt HQ Branch Schlaghund Scramble SeeYa Sentinels Prime Shaka The Shell Traders Shield The Short Circuit Short-Term Contract Shotgun Wire Signpost Skälderviken SA Beta Test Site Skiviss Smith's Pawnshop Social Engineering Strike Force Kali Stumble Through Wilderspace Techtronica(tm) Utility Suit Temple Microcode Outlet Tesseract Fort Construction Tinweasel Top Runners' Conference TRAP! Trauma Team Triggerman Trojan Horse Tycho Expansion Tycho Mem Chip Urban Renewal Vewy Vewy Quiet Wall of Static Washington, D.C., City Grid Wild Card Wilson, Weeflerunner Apprentice Wizard's Book General Trivia

The artwork for the Serra Angel card from Magic: the Gathering appears on two cards:

Both these cards are by artist Doug Shuler, who created the original Serra Angel artwork for M:tG.

Spider Murphy is another Cyberpunk character from the R. Talsorian game.

The "Daemon" class programs in Netrunner are called "Demons" in Cyberpunk 2020. The reason for WotC renaming this class of program is, as stated by WotC representatives, the fact that "daemon" is a term used in current computer terminology while "demon" is not. There is an unsubstantiated rumour that the change was also made to keep the game free of any references to things which might seem "demonic" to various religious groups. However, the change is so slight and the official reason sensible enough that it seems unlikely there is any truth to the rumour. Bob Kruger, Netrunner editor, says:

The circumstantial evidence suggesting otherwise is, alas, misleading. Because we're at an impasse if you don't believe me, the only reasonable question now is, if we take concerns about censorship and all other relevant issues into consideration, is "daemon" a better choice than "demon". I think it is.

The Imp, Afreet, and Succubus are taken directly from Cyberpunk 2020 in the same sequence of strength. One Demon is also still missing... Balron. This is the toughest demon in Cyberpunk 2020. There is actually a "daemon" class of programs in Cyberpunk 2020; they make their appearance in ChromeBook 3. They bring netrunner tactics back to the old idea of inserting viruses into the opposition's computer and letting their computer run the virus for you. Basically, they are a self-acting version of the demon software, able to carry several programs compressed as subroutines.

"AP" means Anti-Personnel. (Don't even think about it...) :-)

"BBS" stands for Bulletin Board Service.

Programs and ICE names that were taken unmolested from Cyberpunk 2020 include the following: Hammer, Jackhammer, Worm, Code Cracker, Dupree (Dupre), Wizard's Book, Raffles, SeeYa, Speedtrap, Krash, Virizz, Viral 15, Invisibility, Replicator, Shield, Force Shield, Reflector, Flack (Flak), Aardvark (upgrade), Zombie, Liche, JackAttack, Imp, Afreet, Succubus, Crybaby (upgrade).

The following Corp names are taken directly from Cyberpunk 2020: Arasaka, Militech, Zetatech, Microtech, Trauma Team, WNS.

In Cyberpunk 2020, Arasaka Security are THE most powerful security firm in the world.

They maintain the largest armed force of any corporation... mostly licensed out to other firms as corporate security guards, couriers and mercenaries... To the Arasaka corporation, they are loyal to the point of death. Arasaka is more interested in fostering its own political goals... and they use their position of trust with major corporations around the world to gain inside information, contacts and advantages that will help them to realize their ultimate goal of political and economic control of Japan. - Cyberpunk 2020, p. 214.

"Filched Radar Rig" found on page 9 of the Rulebook is an anagram of "Richard Garfield", the Netrunner game designer.

The fictional soft drink "Fizz" is mentioned in the flavour text of Livewire's Contacts and pictured in the artwork of Wilson, Weeflerunner Apprentice.

R. Talsorian Games are set to release a new Cyberpunk 2020 game supplement called Rache Bartmoss' Brainware Blowout, which will contain CP 2020 rules and statistics for the new Netrunner programs not originally in the role-playing game.

Created on: August 1, 1998 
Last updated on: August 1, 1998
Created by: Scott Dickie <codeslinger@mail.com>