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Runner Strategy: Phase 1 Cards

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150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for phase1.txt (2146 bytes)
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From: Skipper Pickle <Azuay@AOL.COM>
Subject: Phase 1 Cards

A card belongs to a particular phase if it should be played/installed during that phase. For example, an icebreaker might be effectively played during Phase 1, if you happen to get one you can pay for at that time, and it will be used extensively during Phase 3, but most icebreakers are considered Phase 2 cards because that's when you should focus on installing them. Spending your actions/bits to install icebreakers during phase 1 when you could be running for free is counterproductive.

Some cards, of course, can and should be used whenever the opportunity arises; all other things being equal, i stuck them in the earliest phase. Thus the Phase 1 list is much larger than the Phase 3 list. Really the lists don't do more than point out that you shouldn't play Lucedrine Booster Drug during Phase 1, and it' s wasteful to play Weather-to-Finance during Phase 3.

Disclaimer #1: While i don't expect you to agree with all of my choices, i figure i'll learn more about how to play these cards by hearing your explanations. i don't have all of these cards, of course, so i may not understand their actual effect when in play. Disclaimer #2: For the most part i'm looking at cards in isolation. Card combos are a different matter, and i'm not very good at figuring out new ones.

Phase 1 cards: Chosen because they are most effective during Phase 1 or because they extend Phase 1. These include many preps-sabotage and most viruses. Most bit gainers fall here, since during Phase 1, there usually are only two or three runs worth making each turn. The additional turns should be used to prepare for speeding through Phase 2. For some reason, i also cheap meat-damage prevention in here.

Comment by Stephane Bura:
Btw, I really think that R&D and HQ Interfaces are Phase 1 cards, because they force the corp to spread (and rez) its ice.

Rebuttal by Skipper Pickle:
i did consider the Interfaces as Phase 1 cards originally, because they can make Phase 1 more poignant for the corp, but their expense forced them down the list. Your point, that they force the corp to spread and rez more ice, is well taken: back they come to Phase 1. BTW, in my own defense, i had them listed under Phase 2 with the note "great for Phase 1 if you can afford it."

Comment by Stephane Bura:
For the same reason, Shredder Uplink Protocol may be a good phase 1 card. If the corp rezzed ice in front of HQ and has not yet a subsidiary fort with two pieces of ice, it is a good thing to install SUP. I must admit, though, that I played a game where I had it in my opening hand but I had so many other things to do that I never used it (I like sabotage preps :)

Rebuttal by Skipper Pickle:
i have Shredder in the Phase 1 list already. It's my belief that you won't get much use out of it any other time, since one of two things will eventually happen barring an actual win by either side): 1) you'll have to overwrite it (it does cost 2MU), or 2) the corp will protect the archives.

Created on: August 1, 1998
Last updated on: August 1, 1998
Created by: Scott Dickie <codeslinger@mail.com>