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The Jungle Sayings that appear throughout the Phantom comic book, have proliferated after first making an appearance in the story 'The Sharks Nest". The usual format for a jungle saying is as follows:

Phantom, rough on roughnecks... Old Jungle Saying

Each jungle saying is normally a statement of the Phantom's prowess in the arts of the jungle but can also be more impersonal andjust state simple jungle lore as well. A fairly complete list follows. If you have a Jungle saying that you think belongs in here then please let me know about it, here.


A whisper can go around the earth.

Angry Phantom is fearful to behold.

As for shooting, he can knock the flea off the ear of a warthog at 100 paces without hurting the beast.

Be wary of the Phantom, 'For he moves like lightning and the earth trembles with his might'.

Biggest tree makes most noise when it falls.

Call the Phantom anywhere, and he will hear.

Cold voice of angry Phantom can chill tiger's blood.

Don't fight a stell trap, get out of it.

Feared by evil men everywhere.

Furious Phantom is sight to behold.

Great cat is quick - Phantom is quicker.

Guardian of the Eastern Dark.

He moves faster than a great cat, with the power of a charging bull elephant.

He who comes to Keela Wee without love is buried there.

If Phantom comes to destroy Gullique, there'll be a double rainbow in the sky.

It is said tigers freeze when the eyes of the Phantom blaze.

It is terror for the evil man to awake in darkness and see The Phantom.

Man who cannot die.

Man who looks Phantom in the face will surely die.

Next to the Phantom, the jungle cat moves like molasses.

No man can refuse the voice of the Phantom.

Nothing likes to get hit on the nose.

Only a fool crosses the Phantom.

Phantom freezes your blood, makes cowards out of strong men.

Phantom has cunning of fox, strength of ten tigers.

Phantom has strength of ten tigers. Phantom is made of steel.

Phantom has the wisdom of elephants.

Phantom hits harder than lightning bolt.

Phantom is quicker than a cat.

Phantom is tall as tree, stong as ten tigers, moves like lightning, can be a dozen places at once... has lived for 400 years - cannot die.

Phantom moves as silently as a fog.

Phantom moves faster than the eye can see.

Phantom once killed four tigers at same time barehanded.

Phantom steel fists dart like a bee - hit like a bull elephant.

Phantom will never refuse a challenge.

Phantom's steel hands can break men like straws.

Pirates to Phantom, like red flag to bull.

Rugged? Is there anyone more rugged, hunting tigers with spears, wrestling gorillas?

Some say he uproots great trees barehanded - I do not doubt it.

The cold voice of the Phantom can freeze the blood.

The Ghost Who Walks.

The Phantom has a thousand eyes and ears.

The Phantom is a man of few words, but wiser than Solomon.

The Phantom is many men.

The Phantom must be of the blood of the Phantom.

The Phantom's great stallion, Hero, moves on the wings of the wind.

The Phantom's life is a lonely one.

'There are times', the natives say, 'when the Phantom leaves the jungle and walks the streets of the town as an ordinary man.'

When the Phantom asks, he expects an answer.

When the Phantom is angry, let the tiger beware.

When the Phantom is rough, he is very rough.

When the Phantom moves, he moves.

When the Phantom moves, lightning stands still.

Where the Phantom

is, the law's long arm reaches even to the halls of princes.

In Phantom county,It is said that a woman clad in jewels may walk without fear. Thanks to Calum Robson




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