The Spiral Oak Photo Album
You can view most of the photography thats posted on the various pages of the site here, in the photo album, as well as other photos I've taken. All photos were taken by myself, Rowan, from different places around my house and neighborhood, and most have a pagan and nature theme.

If anyone has any pagan-related photos, such as photos of their altars, tools, gardens, etc then you can send them to me at and I will post them here along with my own photos for everyone to see.
My Garden
My Various Altars
Regular Altar (2002)
Ostara 2002 Altar
Lammas 2003 Altar
Midsummer 2002  Altar
Mabon 2003 Altar
Imbolc 2002 Altar
Regular Altar (2002)
Goddess 2002 Altar
Grapes in the back of my house
Rowan Tree
Tree  in the cemetary
Maine - Atlantic Ocean
Path in cemetary
My Room
The Creek behind my house
Tree in cematary
Autumn 2003 - 10/24/03
In the Cemetary
Across the Street from my house
In the Cemetary
My Kitty, 'Boy'
He loves it up there; 2 different days!
Little display on porch
Samhain Altar 2003
Samhain Altar 2003 - New