Attracting Faeries to your Home and Garden |
Create a garden that is conductive to all life. Put up birdhouses, birdbaths and bird feeders, bat houses and hummingbird feeders. Plant flowers and plants that are attractive to bees and butterflies. Faeries are attracted to any place where there are butterflies. Put nuts out for the squirrels. Whatever you do to bring life to your garden will bring faeries as well. Here is a short list of plants that attract beautiful butterflies and faeries to your garden: Achillea millefolium (common yarrow) Aster novi-belgii (New York aster) Chrysanthemum maximum (Shasta daisy) Coreopsis grandiflora/certicillata (coreopsis) Lavendula denata (French lavender) Rosemarinus officinalis (rosemary) Thymus (thyme) Buddleia alternifolia (fountain butterfly bush) Buddleia davidii (orange-eye butterfly bush, summer lilac) Potenilla fruitiosa (shrubby cinquefoil) Petunia hybrida (common garden petunia) Verbena (verbenas, vervains) Scabiosa caucasica (pincushion flowers) Cosmos bipinnatus (cosmos) Zinnia elegans (common zinnia) Install a small fountain or waterfall or put in a fish pond. You might want to include statues of faeries. Anything that reflects light or is colorful and moving particularly attracts the gnomes and elves. Both faeries and water sprites like the splashy sound and sight of a fountain. Leave an area of your garden a bit wild and not too cultivated. It need not be a large space, but having one area that is dedicated to the faeries will make them feel very welcome. Ask faeries and elves to come to your garden. "Where Intention goes, energy flows." Whatever you place your conscious awareness on, you will pull into your life. AS you put your attention on faeries and gnomes and the elemental realm, they will respond by being drawn into your garden. ~author unknown |
1. Spend time in nature. 2. Meditate while sitting under trees, around lakes, etc. 3. Have plants and flowers inside your house or apartment. 4. Be cognizant of the abuses of nature and do your part to clean it up and reverence it. 5. Involve yourself in some creative activity on a regular basis. You don't have to be expert in it, but enjoyment of any creative activity will draw those of the faerie realm. 6. Leave an area in your yard to grow wild so that the faeries can play freely. 7. Be generous in your dealings with others. 8. Keep the child in you alive. 9. Place an echinite (fossil sea urchin) on your mantelpiece. They were called faerie loaves, made by the faeries. Those who had them would never want for food and always had faerie assistance. 10. Sing often. Nature spirits gather wherever there is song and music. 11. Keep your house relatively clean. Unless you are trying to attract a brownie, most faeries shy away from mess. 12. Once you have a faerie in your home, never leave it monetary gifts. A thimble of milk and a little bread with honey will do just fine. |