The Spiral Oak Award
Interested in winning my award? It is for any website which accuratly teaches Paganism in a creative and informative way. Here are the guidelines:
1. Site must have original information. No stealing information from others and posting it on your site, and your pages can't just be a big list of correspondences.

2. Your site doesn't have too many flashy graphics that make the pages load really slow.

3. No merchant sites, unless it also contains information on Paganism.

If you would like to nomintae your site or someone's else's whom you think should get this award, fill out the form below or email me at
Site Owner's Email Address
Site URL
Any Additional Information?
Here are the Winners so far, please take the time to view these great pages!
October 2003

Wiccan Pride
Ivy's Pentacles
(**You have to click the far left upper corner of the forms to start typing. If it doens't work, just email me at**)