Candle Magic

Candle magic is probably the most popular form of magic. Any type of spell could be done with candles, and since its easy to get ahold of candles, most people use them. Here is a quick outline on how to do candle magic.

1. First, find the appropriate color. If your doing magic for money or prosperity you could use a green or gold candle, for love a red or pink one. Check out the
color correspondence page for more colors and what they mean. But, if for example, it says to use blue for healing but when you think of healing the color purple pops into mind, then go with what  you feel. You can get candles everywhere. Its best to buy ones with no scent if you can, unless the scent corresponds with  the magic, like a rose scented one for love, etc. You can also make candles yourself, check out the candle page for  directions on that.

2. Annointing and Charging- You cant just pick up a candle, light it, say some words and expect the magic to work. You first need to charge and annoint it. Take your candle and holding it in your hands imagine pure, positive energy going  into it. If your doing magic to get a job, you would imagine having that job. See yourself at work, doing the job. See yourself in that environment. Always imagine that it has already happened. You must know, be absolutely sure that your magic is going to work in order
for it to work. When you feel it is charged with the right energy, then you have to annoint  it. Take some oil - olive, jahoba, almond or plain vegatable oil is fine. You may want to mix in some essential oils with it, or some herbs (see the oils page for directions on making oils) for example, I took a bottle of olive oil and put some mint leaves into it, let it sit a few days, strained the leaves out, replaced it with more mint leaves, let it sit then strained again. So now I had oil with mint essence inside. Mint is a good herb to use for general magic and annointing. But if you wanted to have a specific oil for different types of magic, like love oil, prosperity oil, healing oil, etc then you could make a bunch up with different herbs in each.  Now, take some oil on your fingers. If your doing magic to bring something to you, like prosperity, luck, love, etc, then you would rub the oil from the ends of the candle in to the middle, and if you were doing magic to send something out, you would rub it from the  middles to the ends. Never rub the oil back and forth.

While rubbing it, again imagine getting what you want, see the desired goal already in effect. Imagine the energy coming up through your feet from the earth, into your arms and out  your finger tips. You must really concentrate on the energy, dont let your mind wander.

3. Once you have it charged and annointed, its ready for use. When the time for the ritual comes, place it in a holder and  light it. There may be words that are said while lighting it, or after. Just use the candle how the spell says. You can leave it lighted until it burns out (make sure you place it somewhere that it wont catch anything in fire, like a bathtub with some water surrounding it) or you can burn it for a set time, like an hour for three days before you go to bed. As you see it burning, imagine your spell working.
4. When the candle is all burned out, you can burn the small pieces of wax left over in a large fire, bury it, or just throw them away.

There are a bunch of specialty candles out there, like 7-knobed candles (a knob is burned a day, for 7 days), ones in the shape of a skull, cat, wizard, witch, heart, or a male and female body. These can also be used and may be more effective  because they offer good visual aids. These however can get expensive, so just use what you have.

Candles can also be carved. Take a knife, like your bolline or just a pin and mark the word "money" or make dollar signs on it if your looking to get money. You can also inscribe runes or some other ancinet alphabet on it as well.

Here are some other ideas:

1. Carve them with runes or symbols.
2. Carve out a small hold in the bottom of a candle and pack some herbs inside. Then drip wax from another candle over the hole of herbs to seal it.
3. Sprinkle herbs around the candle in a clockwise circle. For example, you could sprinkle rose, lavendar and jasmine around it to bring love to you.
4. If making your own candles, put a few drops essential oils in the wax or some chopped up pieces of herbs.
