Cleansing Tools and Other Objects |
All tools and objects used in magic should be ritually cleansed and blessed. This is done so the object no longer has any bad energy connected to it. If you buy your tools they may have been used or handled by people and picked up negative energy. You also want to ask the God and Goddess to bless and cleanse them so that they are fit to work magic. There are many ways to do this, but here is just a simple way you can do it. Supplies: Bowl of salt Bowl of water Red candle Feather or incense (any kind is fine, sage is good) Pentacle The tool or object being cleansed First, gather all materials on the altar. Cast your circle like usual, making sure to bless the water. Take the object that is being cleansed and blessed and hold it up to the sky. Say: "Great Goddess, I present here my (_____) to be cleansed and blessed so that all negative energy will be destroyed, and good, positive energy will reside in it for now on. Place the object over the pentacle and say: "Guardians of the north, element of earth, I ask that this (_____) be cleansed so that it will aid me in my workings." Imagine a green light surrounding the object cleansing it of all negativity Then wave it over smoking incense, or wave a feather over it and say: "Guardians of the east, element of air, I ask that this (_____) be cleansed so that it will aid me in my workings," Imagine a yellow light surrounding the object cleansing it of all negativity The pass it over a candle flame and say: "Guardians of the south, element of fire, I ask that this (_____) be cleansed so that it will aid me in my workings." Imagine a red light surrounding the object cleansing it of all negativity. Then take the blessed salt water and sprinkle a little bit on the object. Say: "Guardians of the west, element of water, I ask that this (_____) be cleansed so that it will aid me in my workings." Imagine a blue light surrounding the object cleansing it of all negativity. Then hold it in your hand and ask the God and Goddess to bless it. You can say something like this: "Mother Goddess, Father God I ask that this (_____) be blessed So that I may use it in the sacred circle. I ask that all negativity be removed And blessings of love, happiness and fulfillment Ever reside in here. In the Name of Gaia and Cernunnos (or whichever Gods you use) This (_____) is cleansed and blessed." Close the circle. I like to handle the object a lot so that my energy can be infused in it. You can sleep with it under your pillow for a few days, or simply carry it with you. This however, isn't necessary for large objects like athames or candles. Another thing you can do is to leave the object out under the full moon and ask the Goddess to bless and cleanse it. |