Days of the Week
Monday - White, the Moon, Lunar energy, psychic abilities, dreams, astral work, intuition, family, spirituality, Intuition, Dreams, Psychism, Child Protection, dreams, family, the home, intuition, medicine, spiritual growth.
Tuesday - Red, Strength, courage, energy, anger, independence, action, conflict, athletics, competitions, hunting, legality, logic, physical strength, politics, vitality and war.
Wednesday - Purple, Creativity, communication, divination, wisdom, addiction, travel, the Arts, Partnerships, education, mystical insight, resourcefulness and self-improvement.
Thursday - Blue, dedication, endurance, faithfulness, legal matters, loyalty, luck and money matters, Prosperity, generosity, legal matters, growth, Career, Finances, Wealth (Jupiter)
Friday - Green, Love, pleasure, peace, music, marriage, beauty, passion, friendship, fertility (Venus)
Saturday - Black, Banishings, protection, obstacles, the elderly, lost items, freedom, change, death, motivation, reincarnation, understanding and wills (Saturn)
Sunday - Yellow, the sun, Health, prosperity, power, joy, leadership, individuality, healing, hope, Success, Family, Sibling Relationships, Career, Divine Power, Learning, Authority  (Sun)
When we do magic, we do it on a day that correspondes to the purpose of our magic. Below is a list of the days of the week and the appropriate matters to be dealt with when doing magic.