First you want to make sure you have all your cutouts and tissue paper. You can cut different shapes and such from the tissue paper and use that as a background color if you like. The ones I did had a green background and small flowers from tissue paper that had a print on it. You could use little pictures from magazines, but they wont be see-through like the tissue paper. With tissue paper, you could creat a layered effect with diffent colors layed over each other. For example, using little squares of blue and red tissue paper would make purple , so your holder would have blue, red and purple in it. Whatever you decide to use, make sure you have enough of it.
Then just start taking the paper, dip it in the glue and water mixture and place it on the canlde holder. Keep doing this untill you have the whole surface covered. Its a bit tricky some times because the paper will want to keep slidding over the glass surface, so dont get the glass and paper too wet.
Then let it dry and they are ready to use! |