Whats the difference between a Pagan, a Witch and a Wiccan? This is one question that I get asked a lot. Here is a general explanation of what these two terms mean.

      Envision it this way. You have the word "Pagan" and under it you have Wicca, Shamanism, Native American Religons, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. So now compare it to the word "Christian." Under it you have Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Anglicans, etc. Paganism is a term which refers to a  practitioner of an earth-based religion, meaning they believe in an energy or God/Goddess which is manifested in nature and the natural processes of life (birth, death, rebirth, emotions and everything else on this earth). A Pagan is also anyone who does not practice either Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Pagan religions were around long before the Christians religion was born. The word comes rom the Latin "paganus", which may have had such meanings as "villager"or "country dweller" The early Roman Christians were the ones to call them "Pagans."  They were the people who still practiced the Pre-Christian religions. They lived on the outskirts of towns and city's. They were country dwellers, like the definition says. They were just practicing their religion, which usually had no name, it was just their way of life. Over the centuries the label became an insult. It was used to describe an uncivilized 'Heathen.' Sometimes people associate it with athesist as well, but today it has taken on a new meaning. No longer is it an insult. It describes a group of people who respect the earth and honor a God and Goddess. Most often the term is used to describe Wiccans today.

A Wiccan is a practitioner of the Neo-Pagan religion (meaning "new-Pagan religion") called Wicca.  It was founded by Gerald Gardner around 50 or so years ago. He took his inspiration for his religion from early paganism, folk practices and early witchcraft practices, as well as from many other sources and people (Charles Leland, Alister Crowley, Ceremonial Magicians and groups like the Rosecrutions, etc) hoping to re-invent a modern Western European Pagan religion. He also studied Folklore and anthropology. Some Wiccans take their practices from different cultural religions and practices (African, Celtic, Norse, Anglo-Saxon, etc) to suit their personal tastes. Wiccans follow the Pagan holidays (which derive from Celtic Pagan holidays) and believe in a god and a goddess. They also believe in the three-fold law, and The Wiccan Rede, as well as spells and magick.

A witch is one who practices Witchcraft, but doesn't necessarilly practice Wicca. All Wiccans are Witches, but not all Witches are Wiccan. Its like, all Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians are Catholic. Anyone can be a witch, but in order to be a wiccan, there must be a few things, like the belief in the God and Goddess and the Wiccan Rede. Witchcraft is the practice of the Witch, Wicca is a religion which some witches follow, but not all. A person may call themselves a Wiccan and a Pagan. They also may call themself a Witch. All Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccans.