The Elements

Direction - East
Symbol- a triangle pointing up and with a horizontal line through the middle of it
Astrological Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Rules - Mind, mental and psychic work, intuition, knowledge, abstrat thought, wind, breath, clouds, inspiration, hearing, herbal knowledge, plant growth, purification, freedom, revealing truth, finding lost things, instruction, telepathy, memory, learning the secrets of the dead, zen meditation, new beginnings, illuminations, Free mind, mental intuition, psychic work, intellect, knowledge, ability to learn, ability to open spiritually, abstract learning and theory, thinking, ideas, creativity, meditation, communication, focus, illumination, brain stimulation, philosophy, mindfulness, awareness, perception, all beginnings,entertainment, fun, sound, plains, windy beaches, high mountain peaks, high towers, wind, breath, clouds, flighty thoughts, flying,
Types of Magick - Divination, concentration, prophecy, visualization, wind magick, karma
Colors - White, yellow, light blue, lavender, gray, bright yellow, crimson, turquoise blue, gold, scarlet, sky at dawn
Elemental - Sylphs
Season - Spring
Age - Infancy
Senses - Hearing, smell
Wind Name-  Eurus
Gender - Masculine
Magickal Tools - Athame, sword, censer, incense
Time - Dawn
Energy - Projective
Gemstones - Aventurine, topaz, mica, flourite, crystals, amethyst, yellow or blue stones
Metals - Tin, copper
Plants - Acacia, anise, aspen, benzoin, clover, dill, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, pine, primrose, Eucalyptus, pansy, lemon verbena, violet, yarrow, vervain, frankincense, benzoin, comfrey, mistletoe, nutmeg, all mints, ash tree , birch, aspen, beech, palm trees , lavender, clove, sage , vervain, violet, yarrow
Animals - Birds, insects, spiders
Goddesses - Aradia, Arianrhod, Athena, Nuit, Urania, Cardia, Nuit, Urania, Danue, Kwan Yin
Gods -Mercury, Hermes, Shu, Thoth
Archangel - Raphael


- South
Symbol - a triangle pointing up
Astrologickal Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Rules - Energy, sexuality, passions, love, authority, transformation, purification, candle flames, sun, blood, healing, destruction, will, creativity, flame, heat, bonfires, hearth fires, protection, courage, strength, phsyical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, vision, illumination, power, spirit, heat, flame, sap, life,  will, destroying, spontaneity, excitement, sexuality, forcefulness, faith and trust, elusiveness, innocence, vulnerability, strength, protection, relationship, stress, courage, love, rest, renewal, physical pacing,  war, violent emotions, lightning, release of power, concentrated power, light, hot springs, ovens, fireplace, saunas, athletic fields
Types of Magick - Candle, storm, time
Colors - Red, gold, crimson, orange,  Sun's noon light, scarlet, yellow, blue of the flame
Elemental - Salamanders
Age - Youth
Senses - Sight
Wind Name - Notos
Gender - Masculine
Season - Summer
Magickal Tools - Wand, candles, dagger, burned herbs or requests on paper
Time - Noon
Energy - Projective, masculine
Gemstones - Red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, lava, quartz crystals, ruby, carnelian, tigers eye, rhodochrosite, agates
Metals - Gold, brass
Plants - Allspice, basil, cacti, chile peppers, cinnamon, garlic, heliotrope,  juniper, lime, mustard, nettle, onion, orange, red peppers, red poppies, thistle, almond tree, hibiscus, mustard, onion, red pepper, red poppies, healing & purifying plants, bougainvillea, coffee beans, nuts, seeds, pods, cacti, thorn bushes, spiny plants, nut trees , garlic , almond tree in bloom, coral tree, bottle brush, red maple, bay leaf, carnation, holly, oak, tobacco, vanilla, eyebright
Animals - Lions, lizards, salamander, snakes, praying mantis, ladybug, bee, scorpion, shark, phoenix, coyote, fox
Goddesses - Brigit, Freya, Hestia, Pele, Vesta, Brunhilde
Gods - Vulcan, Ra, Agni, Hepaetstus, Horus
Archangel - Michael


Direction - West
Symbol - Triangle pointing down
Astrological Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Rules - Emotions, feelings, love, courage, the unconscious mind, intuition, the womb, marriage, friendship,happiness, dreams, sleep, healing, menstruation, fertility, cleansing, purification, vision quests, self-healing, sorrow, reflection, psychic ability, oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, springs and wells,  daring, sorrow, intuition, transmutation of experience & learning into wisdom, the unconscious mind, generation, fertility, dreams, introspection, shamanic journeys, healing balancing male & female energie, flowing, purifying, soothing, compassion, initiations, deep psychic work, spiritual renewal, communication with spirit guides, hibernation, inner self knowledge, rains, oceans, lakes, pools, streams, rivers, springs, wells, tides, beaches, mists, fog, subterranean water ways, dew sap, endings, storms, death
Types of Magick - Magick involving the sea, snow or ice, mirror, magnet, rain, cleansing and purification
Colors - Blue, blue-green, green, gray, indigo, aquamarine, blue-grey,  purple, black, white of sea foam in moonlight
Elemental - Undines
Age - Maturity
Senses - Taste
Wind Name - Zephyrus 
Gender - Feminine
Season - Autumn
Magickal Tools - Chalice, cauldron, mirrors
Time - Twilight, dusk
Energy - Receptive, feminine
Gemstones - Aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue topaz, blue flourite, lapis lazuli, sodalite
Metals - Mercury, silver, copper
Plants - Aloe, apple, catnip, chamomile, ferns, gardneia, lemon, lettuce, lilac, lily of the valley, lotus, mosses, orris,  passion flower, rose, seaweeds, thyme, valerian, water lillies, all water plants, willow tree, ferns, lotuses, mosses, rushes, seaweeds, waterlilies, apple, chamomile, cucumber, lettuce, violet, orris root, heather, rose, willow, pine trees, magnolia, gardenia, lavender, jasmine,  water plants, chamomile, raspberry, jasmine, catnip, cherry, hibiscus
Animals - All fish, shellfish and sea mammals, serpents, sea birds, cat, frog, turtle, swan, bear
Goddesses - Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya, Ran, Kupala, Marimni, Mari, Diana, Selena, Hecate, Arianrhod
Gods - Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon, Varuna
Archangel - Gabriel


Direction - North
Symbol - Triangle pointing down and with a horizontal line through the middle of it
Astrological Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Rules - The body, growth, money, creativity, birth, death, material gain, fertility, birth, healing, rocks, trees, animals, manifestation, materialization, crystals, silence, metal, empathy, grounding, employment, stability, success, runes, strength, practical wisdom, mystery, nature, sustenance, creativity, silence, wisdom, practicality, practical wisdom, truth, deep level path or earth walk work, survival, symbols, ritual, ceremony, materilaism, prosperity, sacred knowledge, teaching, learning, patience, fertility, nurturing, stabilizing, chasms, caves, caverns, groves, fields, rocks, standing stones, mountains, directed thought, responsibility, abundance, canyouns, forests, valleys, farms, gardens, arboretums, parks, mines, holes
Types of Magick - Gardening, grounding, magnet, image, stone, tree, knot, binding
Colors - Black, brown, green, gold,  black, snow white, deep blue of Earth as seen from space
Elemental - Gnomes
Age - Advanced age
Senses - Touch
Wind Name - Boreas or Ophron
Gender - Feminine
Season - Winter
Magickal Tools - Pentacle, salt, images, stones, cord magick
Time - Midnight, night
Energy - Receptive, feminine
Gemstones - Rock crystal, emeralds, peridot, onyx, jasper, azurite, amethyst, royal azute, tourmaline,tourmalanted quartz, rutilated quartz
Metals - Iron, lead
Plants - Cedar, cypress, comfrey, honeysuckle, ivy, grains, magnolia, patchouly, primrose, sage, vetivert, nuts, oak, Comfrey, ivy, all grains, cedar tree, slippery elm tree, balm of Gillead, honeysuckle, horehound, jasmine, sage, high St. John the Conqueror, patchouli,  mosses, lichens,  roots, redwood trees, banyan tree, evergreens
Animals - Cow or bull, bison, stag, dog, horse, gopher, ant, bears, wolf
Goddesses - Ceres, Cerridwyn, Demeter, Gaia, Epona, Kore, Mah, Prithivi, Nyphtys, Persephone, Prithini, Rhiannon, Gaia, Rhea
Gods - Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Herne, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz, Thor
Archangel - Uriel

Some info from
The elements are an important part of magic, especially natural magic and Green Wicca. Some ancient people divided the world into 4 basic principals - earth, air, fire and water. These four elements are then given certain correspondences, like directions, stones, goddesses, feelings, types of magic, symbols, etc, that would relate to them. You can use this table when doing magic and rituals. There is also a fifth element - spirit. In a magic circle, it would represent you and the Gods.