How to Get Started in Wicca
Getting started in Wicca may seem pretty hard. You will most likely have a ton of questions. There is a lot of studying (and I mean A LOT) and a lot of practicing. You will read many, many books and  websites. Here are some suggestions for getting started.

First off, read everything you can on Wicca and paganism. If you have extra money buy some wiccan books. Most books will give exercises to do, so do them! Believe me, it will really help. Go to the  “new age” section of a bookstore and see what they have. You can go to, type in “wicca” and read some reviews on the Wiccan books. Most will tell you whether they are good for beginners or not. Also check out as many websites as you can. Keywords such as “wicca” “paganism”and “witchcraft” will bring in a load of info. There are many chat rooms out there you can go to talk about Wicca as well as many
message boards where you can ask questions and learn about Wicca.  But also, take your time. You wont learn all about wicca in a week,  a month or even a year! You will continue to learn your whole life. Don’t get discouraged! It may seem like too much information to take in, but the more you read the more you will understand, trust me. Besides, if you are serious about Wicca you will want to learn as much as you can anyway, and you will enjoy reading about it.

Another thing...just reading about Wicca doesn’t make you a Wiccan. You should get out there and practice. Practice casting circles, pray to the god and goddess, get out into nature and talk to them and experience the foyur elements, meditate, practice visualization, set up your altar and just surround yourself in all things pagan. Something I found beneficial when I first started was to set up an
altar. It will take time to acquire the tools, but don’t worry, you really don’t need them. Remember its you who makes the magic, not the tools, but its still nice to have them. So before you can get them, just use items you already have. You can put things that you like on it, pictures, art work, natural objects like leaves, stones, shells, pine cones, etc.  Don’t worry about having everything. It takes awhile before you acquire all the things you want, and it may seem discouraging not to have them, but they will come. Save your money and buy them when you see them. Things like incense, herbs, candles and holders, decorative bowls, altar cloths, natural objects, pagan-ish decorations and a wand can all be bought at a department store, made ,or found in nature. Take a look in the craft section and you should find a lot that you can use. When you look at your altar, you may get inspired to read some more on Wicca, or do a ritual or pray.

I think spending time in nature is the greatest thing one can do to feel more connected with the God and Goddess and feel more spiritual as well. Take walks and talk to them. Sit under a tree and meditate. Work on an art project related to paganism. There are endless things you can do to start to bring Wicca into your daily life.

One more thing. Don’t let friends or family discourage you from practicing Wicca. They may not like it, they may tell you its immature or its just a phase your going through, but only you can know that its right for you. If you love it, if you feel it’s the right path for you then don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Just educate them on it and if they still don’t like it, then just don’t bring it up around them. For more information on telling people your Wiccan, check out the “
telling parents your wiccan” page.