Herbal Magic
There are so many ways to use herbs in magic. Herbs and plants have been used for centuries in both magic and  medicinal ways and they are still used today for various purposes. Herbs are perhaps the Green Witch's most valuable item, for they are used in spells, recipes, crafts, aromatherapy, oils incense and more. They are easy to get ahold of and are fun to use as well. You can grow them either from seed or buy them at greenhouses, or a  grocery store (in the spice, tea and bulk section) or buy them from new age/occult shops. One  main tool you will probably want to get if working with herbs is a morter and pestal or a food processor. These are used to grind and mix  the herbs.

Like in candle magic, the herbs will have to be charged with a specific purpose. You will want to hold them, or place  them in a bowl, and hold your hands over them while imagining charging them with a specific intent. See the energy coming from the earth, up from your feet into your arms and out your finger tips. You can also do this while grinding the  herbs in the morter and pestal.

Here are some ideas on how to use herbs in magic:

1. Burn them - Grind them up and burn them on a charcoal block as incense (not the kind you use for BBQ-ing, there are  special charcoal blocks to use for burning incense on). Incense helps create a mood and can be used in magic, for example in cleansing something, like an object or tool. Use herbs with cleansing properties and wave the incense smoke  around the object or room. You can also make a general incense out of herbs to use every time you do a ritual. See the  incense page for recipes. Place the charcoal block in a heat-proof container, like a small cauldron, light it and sprinkle some herbs in the block when its all lit. You will have to keep adding herbs to it in order for it to keep smoking. Some  herbs last longer than others however. When your all done, you can pick up the charcoal clock with a spoon and drop it  in a cup of water. Never leave it unattended. Burning herbs at your altar could represent the element of air, or it could be  used to cleanse and object. They can also be burned as aromatherapy, or to create a magical mood.

2. Charms and sachets - Take a small bag made of cloth (either buy them or make them, I usually sew them up in an  appropriate colored cloth, place the herbs inside and tie the opening with string) to make a charm or sachet. Again you  will have to charge these. Carry the charm with you, hang it in the house or car, or bury or burn it, depending on what its suppose to bring you. If you want to attract something, then wear it on you, or keep it in your purse. If you want  something protected, like your house or car, hang it in there.

3. Bathtub - Make a sachet as described above and throw it into the bath tub. If you wanted to relax, use herbs that will give you that, like lavendar. You can also use them in a cleansing bath before rituals. Dont forget to charge them. Its nice  to be able to take a relaxing bath and smell the fragrance as well.

4. Oils - Place some herbs into a bottle of oil, like olive oil, let them steep for a few days then remove the herb. Then you can use the oil to annoint candles, yourself, or objects.

5. Use them outside - Get some appropriate herbs and use them in the elements. For example, throw them in a lake, creek  or river, throw some in a fire, throw them into the wind or bury them. Of course, charge them with a specific intent before  doing so.

6. Sprinkle them - Sprinkle them around candles, objects, houses, gardens, etc to enfuse the object with a specific intent.

7. Make a tea or put in food - To make a tea, you can just buy some tea bags at the store and steep them and drink, or make your own tea. Just take some cheese cloth, or a tea bag and put the appropriate herbs inside. Put in in hot water, let it steep and drink. Or, when using herbs to cook with, just charge them with a specific intent anmd add to the food.