Welcome to The Spiral Oak! It is my hope that this site will inform both the new and experienced Pagan on Green Witchcraft and Natural Magic. Below you will find various pages on my form of the Craft - Green Witchcraft. You can also read about the general practices of Wicca. If you have any questions you can email me or if you have comments you can leave me a note in the guestbook. Don't forget to bookmark this page, new information is added every day! |
Magic |
Ritual |
- What are the Sabbats? - Sabbats for the Green Witch - Activities for the Sabbats - Recipes for the Sabbats - Yule - Yule Songs - Imbolc - Ostara - Beltane - Summer Solstice - Lughnasadh - Mabon - Samhain |
The Sabbats |
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For Teens |
- A General Guide-line for Teens - How to Tell Parents Your Wiccan - Wicca in School - Wicca Books for Teens |
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Email me at thespiraloak@yahoo.com IM me on AOL at thespiraloak |
Green Witchcraft |
Last Updated April 1st 2004 |
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Featured Article - 3/5/04 |
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Copyright © 2004 by Rowan and The Spiral Oak. All the text and photos are copyrighted by Rowan and The Spiral Oak, unless stated otherwise. |
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Are you interested in writing for The Spiral Oak? If so, you may want to become a member of the site. If your beyond the beginner level and have an interest in Wicca/Witchcraft/Paganism, especialy Green Witchcraft and anything related (Hedge Witchcraft, Kitchen Witchery, Garden Witch, etc) and want tow write for the site, you can email me at thespiraloak@yahoo.com. Just tell me your name, email address, Instant Messenger screen names, (if you have one) and give a profile of yourself, and a pic if you have one. Also tell me why you want to be a member of the site. For more information visit the Member Page. |
Ostara by Rowan |
Essays |
- Advanced Wicca - Morals and Ethics Re-defined - Cause and Effect by Keshava - How I came to Wicca - To The Beginner - Don't worry, Be Happy - My Beliefs |
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Message Board - New!! |
A place to discuss and ask questions about Wicca/Paganism. |
My Journal Diary of a Green Witch (updated daily) |
Chat Room - New! Chats will be held Tuesday and Thursday nights at 8:30 eastern standard time. Of course, anyone is welcome to come in anyday, at anytime. |
Ostara, or the Spring Equinox (sometimes spelled Ostera or Eostre, and also called Alban Eiber, Bacchanalia, Lady Day and Jack in the Green Day, in various parts of the world), is celebrated on March 21st. In ancient Britain, the Pagans did not celebrate the Equinoxes s modern Pagans today do, so Ostara is a newcomer to Pagan practices, probably added by people like Margret Murray, Gerald Gardner and modern Druids, but today its celebrated just like an other festival.. At this time of the year, the trees and starting to sprout leaves, the birds are preparing nests, the animals are coming out into the cool spring air, and the tender young flowers are peeking their heads out from the warming soil. The air still has a slight chill, but the sun stay out a bit longer each day. This is the time when night and day are equal length. The names Ostara is derived from the Saxon Goddess Oestara, a goddess of fertility and rebirth. At this time, light and dark are at balance, but light will soon prevail. Spring is beginning, so it is also a time of fertility--the Goddess is in the maiden form and the God is a young man who will eventually unite at the next sabbat, Beltane. Rabbits and eggs are a symbol of this time, as well as spring flowers like daffodils. This is a good time to bless seeds and prepare for a summer garden. We also start to prepare for expansion and new beginnings in our lives.We should start to rid ourselves of old routines and look to the future for positive changes--stop dwelling on the past and present and open our eyes to the opportunities in our future Ostara should be a joyous time--there are new beginning and the added warmth to our days is refreshing after long months of snow and cold weather. Continued... Ostara Activities |
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