Magic |
Magic. A lot of teens come to Wicca thinking that they can do some simple spells and get what they want. Not true. Yes, we do magic (some spell it with a "K" to distinguish it from stage magic) but it isn't like what Hollywood portrays. It has a lot to do with visualization and energy work. When we do magic, it can be in a lot of different forms, like candle magic, cord magic, crystal magic, weather magick etc. We also use charms, herbs, stones, oils, and other things when we do magick. You may ask if magic works, and I would say yes. If you do a spell for money, 20 bucks isn't going to appear in front of you, but you may be asked to babysit and make that 20 bucks. Coincidence? Exactly. You can look at magic as a big coincidence if you like, but if it works, why does it matter what its called? Look at it this way, when you do magic, you raise energy that is put into the universe, and in turn that energy is manifested. Its just like thinking good thoughts. When you tell yourself you can do something, over and over, good energy is being sent out into the universe, so therefore, you have a better chance of succeeding if you believe in yourself. Thats magic. You can use numerous different herbs and other tools when you do magic and say all the right words, but those are not the things that produce the magic, you are. You can have all the tools you want, but unless you visualize and raise energy, you arn't going to get squat. Doing magic takes practice, it isnt something you learn to do overnight, or even in 3 months time. Just practice, practice, practice! A good way to do this is by doing visualization exercises and mediate a lot. Set a certain amount of time a day to do this, even if its just for a few minutes. I would recommend getting yourself some books on Witchcraft and magic and practrice the techniques they present. Magic isnt something a select few can do, sure some may get ahold of it faster, but that doesn't mean that you can do it! Some Wiccans dont even practice magic, but most do. In Green Magic, or Natural Magic, we use the elements of earth, air, fire and water as well as natural objects found in nature. I use herbs in everything I do, be it a spell, ritual or prayer. Stones that you've found outside are another great object used in magic, as well as sticks, leaves, pinecones, seashells, and water from a lake, river, or ocean. Be creative. In the days long past, the Pagans didn't have fancy objects to make magic, they often used what they could find in nature. Besides, when you work with natural objects, you are in contact with the elements which will happily aid your magic if asked. The God and Goddess are present everywhere in nature, so if you want to attune yourself with them, working with natural objects would bring you much closer than if, for example, you used such things as plastic or items found in stores. If you dont live around woods or a beach dont worry! You can find natural objects wherever you live. You can find stones on sidewalks, or in yards. Leaves from the few tress that are around in cities, or even water from the rain. Just take a minute to go outside and look around you. Ask the elements to present whatever object you need, and in time you will get it. Now if you live in driving or walking distance of some woods than thats good, because you can take walks and find the objects when needed. You can also sit by a tree, or wade in a creek and meditate, or practice your visualization exercises. Just get out there and find some natural part of the earth! I'm a big believer in Wiccans spending time in nature--you not only connnect with the God, Goddess and the elements easier, but you learn to see the beauty in all life. |
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Read an article written by a teen about her experience with negative, or "black" magic here. |