Personally, I hardly ever do spells. It's not that I dont want to take the time to learn how to do it, because I have, its just that I primarilly focus on honoring the God and Goddess and celebrating the seasons. I'm a very simple Pagan who isn't much into complicated rituals and long invocations. This is also a part of Green Wicca - being more simplistic in rituals, and doing magic only when the need arisis.

      I think too often people - young teens especially, come to Wicca seeking power. The idea of being able to work magic appeals to many people and they often ignore the religion part of Wicca. Wicca is first and foremost a religion. Some Wiccans dont even work magic at all. I think its good to learn how to do magic because there will be times when it will be useful, like when your friend is sick and could use some healing energy, or when you need that $50 to pay off a bill. I just dont think spells and magic should ever be the primary focus of Wicca.

      There are many, many sites and books devoted to spells and magic, so I'm not going to post any here. If you really feel you need to work magic, then I suggest buying books on it and practicing. You will never get anywhere if you dont learn the techniques of magic. Lighting a candle and saying some words will not work. Energy and focus are a big part of magic, as well as positive thinking. Anyone can do magic, it just takes study and practice.
A Note on Spells...
Read and essay by a teen about her experiences with negetive, or 'black' magic and what she went through here.