     In Wicca, oils are used often. You use oils to annoint candles, to add to charms, and to use in ritual. You can buy essenial oils, but those get expensive, so I make my own with a little olive oil and herbs. First, take a glass bottle. Put in some olive oil, or any other oil which doesn't have a strong scent (jahoba oil or almond oil are good too). Next, add some dried herbs that you have grinded up. Let the herbs sit in the oil for about a week, and then take cheese cloth and strain the oil out into another bottle. Throw away the herbs and add new herbs to the oil. Let that sit another week, and strain the oil again. When the oil is scented with the herbs, then its ready to be used. Dont forget to charge the oils when your through. Hold the bottle in your hand and envision your goal happening. Know that the oils will work.
      If you happen to have essential oils (not the perfume kind, they can harm your skin) then you can add a few drops to that to the olive oil instead of using herbs. You just need to know what kinds of herbs, or oils to use. For example, if your making an oil for prosprity and money, you could add herbs that will help you draw money (obviously). Check the
herb correspondences for a list of herbs to use.