Potpourri Lamps
One year my aunt gave me something she called a potpourri lamp. Its smells great and makes a really nice nite-light or other light that can be put on the altar.It consisted on a jar, potpourri, a doiley and a small string of white x-mas lights.  Here is how its made:

First you want a large jar. Make sure its clean, then get a small string of white lights (the smallest amount of lights on the string that you can get) and start to put the lights in the jar, about 1/4 of the way full. Then put some good smelling potpourri (you can either buy it, or make some from herbs and essential oils) and pack them in there as well (obviously you want the dry potpourri, not the liguid. Then keep adding the string of lights and the potpuorri untill the jar is full.
Now, take a small doiley and place it on the mouth of the jar and wrap a rubber band around it to keep it on. You may want to wrap a ribbon around the rubber band to make it more appealing. Just make sure the string of lights is still out so that they can be plugged in. Once its finished, you can place it on a table or counter and plug it in, or you could fill it with specific herbs to use in a spell or ritual. The heat from the lights make the potpourri give off its aroma and the fragrance fills the room. Be creative with these - use them in spells or change the fragrance to match each of the sabbats or seasons. There are many, many different potpourri's you can buy, so go out, find one you like and use it in these lamps.