There are a couple different reasons why Wiccans do rituals.  We do them when we celebrate the sabbats, perform spells, initiations and dedications, handfastings (marriages)  Wiccanings (Wiccan baptism) rites of passage, etc. Typically a ritual consists of a few things - circle casting, quarter and deity calling, and then doing whatever the ritual purpose is. Even a simple prayer can be a form of ritual without all the ceremony and actions to go along with it. I do rituals to celebrate the sabbats, and I also do them on the full moons and if I need to perform a spell (which isn't often). Rituals can be short and simple, or long and complicated- whichever you like best. Here is a general layout of what you do when performing rituals

1. Purification of self - Take a bath or shower to cleanse the negative energy from your body and mind.
2. Create Sacred Space - Smudge the are where the ritual will be with sage or other cleansing incense, or sweep it with your broom.
3. Consecration of salt and water - Cleanse, bless and consecrate the salt and water for use in the ritual, as well as using to sprinkle around the circle barriers to drive negativity away.
4. Calling the Quarters - Ask the 4 elements to be with you and lend you their energy while doing the ritual.
5. Calling the God and Goddess - Ask them to be with you to also lend you their power and protection.
6. Cast the Circle - Imagine a protective barrier around you (a circle, which is really a sphere covering around, below and above you) so that you have a clean, safe place to work.
7. Perform the spell, celebration, prayer, or whatever it is your working the ritual for.
8. Cakes and Ale - At this point, you would have a meal with the God and Goddess in their honor. You would thank them, and ask for blessings. Typically you would have something to drink and eat, like juice and bread.
9. Releasing Quarters and thanking diety - Thank the quarters for being present and lending you their energy. Also thank the God and Goddess for attending and ask that they help your spell (if you did one) manifest.
10. Open the Circle - You put the circle up, now its time to take it down.

See the
casting the circle page for more in-depth instructions on casting the circle and the ritual layout.