Do you have a garden? Then maybe this is something you want to do. When the weather starts to get warm, go outside and clean away all the dead leaves and twigs from the garden. Clean it all up, put decorations out and make it look nice again. You can also trim some of the plants too. While your doing this you can chant something like:

"Great Mother of the Earth,
I see your power growing.
New life is springing forth,
Your wonders ever showing.

I clean away the dead, past year
And hope life springs anew,
I ask that you help these plants grow
For all life comes from you."

Then, take the quarts crystal hold it in your hand and imagine white light entering it. Imagine your plants alive and thriving and that the Goddess is watching over them. After you do this, dig a small hole at the beginning of the garden and bury the stone. Thanks the Goddess for watching out for your garden all winter, and thank her for blessing it with new life this spring.
Garden Ritual
by Rowan
You've heard of the term "spring cleaning", right? Well, here is a small
ritual for a spring cleansing and purification ritual for your house, or

Supplies needed:

Sage Smudge stick (or other cleansing incense)
Heat proof bowl
Rose Quart stones (for every window in the room you're cleansing)

First, before every ritual you should take a purification bath. Take some
nice smelling incense in the bathroom too if you want, and some candles.
This helps set the mood well. Relax and imagine all the negative energies
on and inside you leaving.

When you get out, go to the room your doing the ritual (I do this in my
room only, because there's always someone around so it's hard to do the
whole house) and set up the altar. If you don't have one, then that's ok,
just set up the material mentioned above on a small flat surface. You can
lit some candles too if you want, and play some relaxing music.

Now, sit in front of the table and relax yourself. If you know how to
ground and center, then do that. After this, take the Rose quarts in your
hand and charge them. Imagine all negative energy leaving them and ask the
God and Goddess to bless them. When you feel they are cleansed and blessed,
then set them down and light the smudge stick. Walk clockwise around the
room three times saying something like:

"Lady of the Fresh new Spring,
Upon this room, sweet blessings bring.
I ask that your love shine in here
And bless all those that I hold dear.
You'll clean this room with your great light,
So it will shine both day and night."

While saying something like this, imagine all the negative energy leaving
the room through the windows (you may want to open the widows while doing
this ritual). Then take your stones and place them in the windows. You can
say something like this while doing that:

"With these great stones, I ask of thee,
In her great name, its blessed times three."

Then once you place the stones in each of the windows, draw a pentagram in the air and imagine white light sealing in good, clean energy. Then you can go back to your altar and thank the God and Goddess.

Feel free to add or change this ritual to fit your needs
Spring Ritual
by Rowan
Samhain Spell for Luck
Some of the rituals on this page were written by myself, Rowan. Others were collected from around the net. Credit has been give to the rituals, unless there was no author stated.