Teen Pagan Books
Here's a list of books written specifically for teen Witches.
Teen Witch
by Silver Ravenwolf
Solitary Witch
by Silver Ravenwolf
Real Wicca for Teens
by ?
Spellcraft for Teens
by Gwenevere Rain
Maiden Magick
by C.C Brondwin
Rocking the Goddess
by Anthony Paige
Teen Goddess
by Catherine Wishart
The Goddess in Every Girl
by M.J.Abadie
Teenage Witches Book of Shadows
by Anna De Benzelle and Mary Neasham
Spells for Teenage Witches
by Marina Baker
by Fiona Horne
The Teen Spell Book
by Jamie Wood
Llewellyns Teen Datebook
Wild Girls
by Patricia Mohaghan
Where to Park your Broomstick
by Lauren Mahoy
21st Century Wicca
by Jennifer Hunter