Telling your parents that you have been studying Wicca can be a very difficult thing to do. Often, teens have Christian parents who do not know much about Wicca and think its something that its not. Unfortunatly, anything dealing with magick and spells and an alternative religion will get your parents worried. The way I would recommend telling them seems to be pretty effective. You need to ease it to them Maybe mention that your looking for an alternative religion. See what they say. Are they totally against it? Or do they act like its no big deal. If they are against it, then its going to be harder and more frustrating to try to talk to them. But if they think its ok, then that's a good sign.
Print off some material from the Internet telling what wicca is and what its not. Sit down at dinner one night and tell them that you have done some research and that you have found the religion that makes sense to you. They will ask about it and that's your chance to tell them the truth and correct misconceptions. I'm sure they will have questions, so answer them. Talk to them about it and see what they have to say. If they are worried or think that's its just a phase your going through, reassure them that your serious. If your parents are down-right against you practicing another religion, then it will take more work on your part. Leave little clues around the house, like papers on religions in general, or maybe buy books on crystals, or tarot cards, so they get used to the idea of you thinking alternatively. You cant just wake up one day and say "oh yeah mom, I'm a witch." This isnt the way to gain your parents trust on the matter, nor will it show them how responsible you are. The thing that worries them is that your getting into something bad, so bring up the subject of witchcraft, the real kind, not the stuff on tv, and see what they say. When they know that your showing an interest in it, tell them that you want to start studying Wicca. Explain to them what it is. They will probably freak out at first, but educate them. If they see its not bad, then your chances of them approving will be better. Make sure your mature about it, and tell them that you think that this religion is for you. If they still don't agree, then you may have to stop studying. Legally, you must obey you parents religion untill your 18. You can still believe in whatever you want, they cant stop that, but they can tell you not to buy books on wicca, or search websites. Wait untill your 18 and out of the house then. But in the meantime, keep letting them know that you still want to do it, and keep educating them. |