Wicca in School |
Unfortunately Wicca is still not accepted by many people, even though it is a religion recognized by the government and the army. In the workplace, and even in school many Wiccans are discriminated against. I know that when you come to Wicca you want to tell everyone you know, including your friends. Sometimes however, friends will freak out and some people may find out. This can make it really hard to be in school when people are whispering about you, spreading rumors. There are however, ways to integrate your religion in school without causing much of a stir. It is perfectly alright to wear a pentacle to school. I have a few of them that I change around and wear everyday. Since other students and teachers can wear crosses and other religious jewelry, you can too. If a teacher or school official tells you to take your pentacle off, politely tell them that, as an American, you have the right to wear it. Explain what it is and clear up misconceptions. If they still insist, then it is up to you to decide what to do. Do you just take it off to prevent any trouble, or do you stand up for yourself and refuse to? It's a hard call because no body wants to start trouble, but you also want to stand up for your rights. Other troubles may arise if people find out about your religion. Most people still don't know what Wicca is all about and may think its some sort of devil worship. Just tell them what it really is, and if they still refuse to believe you, then ignore them. If you act like its no big deal then they will get tired of taunting you. Of course the best way to avoid this is not to tell everyone. Tell some of your close friends, wear your pentacle but don't go around telling everyone what you are. Its not very mature and it will only cause trouble. Besides, if you are telling everyone for shock value, then maybe your practicing Wicca for the wrong reasons. A fun thing to do is to dedicate a shelf in your locker as a small shrine. You can bring in a small stature, maybe some natural objects like stones or leaves (don't bring in herbs, you never know who may see them and think they're drugs!) or a picture of a god or goddess. Of course you don't want it to be too obvious because that's a sure way for people to find out, but something small is nice. In between classes you can go there, see the items and relax a bit. I know it helps me when I look at my altar. It gives me a good feeling and reminds me that the God and Goddess are always watching and helping me. Another thing you can do is start a club. If you don't want everybody to know that your Wiccan, then this isn't a good idea, but if you're open about it then this may be something you can do. Don't hand out fliers or post posters, because that's a sure way to get opposition from other students. Just talk to people. Usually you can spot people of like mind by the jewelry they wear. Pentacles, moons and sun charms, Goddess necklaces, etc, are some good hints. When you find some people, you can either hold meetings at school, or at someone's house. If you're having meetings at school you will have to get permission from the school. You may also need a monitor there, or a club advisor like a teacher. I wouldn't recommend starting a coven because covens are a lot of work and usually not something a group of students can handle. A study group or club would be much easier, as there doesn't have to be an structured rules or leaders. You shouldn't have to hide your religion, but you also shouldn't flaunt it. Wearing a 4 inch pentacle around your neck and skipping around the halls saying "The Goddess is alive and magic is afoot!" will probably cause some trouble. Its not necessary either. Of course magic could be integrated into school as well. Before tests a small confidence spell could be said, or you could do a quick meditation before school starts. Legally prayers cant be recited in schools (unless its started by a student) but you could say one in your head in the first few minutes of your first class. Be creative, there is a ton you can do. I love to read, especially during study halls or during class when we have free time. If I bring in a Wicca book, I always cover it with a blank sheet of paper, or keep the cover and back down on the desk so nobody can see what the title is. I've had too many people commenting on my books that are not covered up, so if you dont want to expalin what your reading, then its best to cover it up. Of course school should be fun, and integrating your religion into it can also be fun. Just dont forget that a lot of peopel wont take well to you practicing Wicca, so be careful who you tell, and dont be overly obvious about it. |