
What's up ya'll - I'm such an idiot I somehow deleted like a whole week's worth of posts. Oh well, I'll try to remember what I can and post it again. My bad!

First, Angie @ Realjuggalettes has this to say about Rude Boys's big news::

The ICP hotline (714.647.2465) WAS infact updated. Rudy does have some news and some info about his "big news", but y'all are gonna have to download it and listen for yourselves. And, if he does indeed come back later today with an updated update, I will have that for yas tonight.

So check that out HERE and see what the BIG NEWS is!


I found this review of the first Denver show - Check it out:

Insane Clown Posse Soak Denver With Sugary Soda Bombs-1/29/03

Go get it!

Here's some various stuff I erased from earlier posts

MTV NEWS-1/28/03
"The insanity is turning out to be even more insane that expected. Insane Clown Posse have hit
the road with '80s rap hellraisers 2 Live Crew and Anybody Killa. The Posse will remain on tour
through April 26 in Columbus, Ohio, and they're mixing up their formula until it's as explosive as a
shaken bottle of Faygo by presenting the public with totally rad new face paint. Instead of standard black-and-white patterns, the Clowns will alter their designs to meet their twizted moods. Crazy...."

Click here for the whole article


Intoxicated man allegedly vandalizes 14 cars with hatchet-Cavalierdaily.com,VA-1/26/03

Gardai arrest man over hatchet attack-Online.ie,Ireland-1/26/03

Twiztid clowns around at clubs this spring

Rolling Stone 1/24/03

Bring on the Juggalos Salt Lake Tribune 1/24/03

Shangri-La For Juggalos - Pollstar 1/24/03

Mansfield News Journal 1/23/03


You may have seen my post a couple of days ago about this cool place to sign up and meet other Juggalos in your area. All you need in to sign up for free, put in your zip, and it'll match you up with
local ninjas. Check it out

Click here for icp.meetup.com


That's it for the mo - Someone will be back soon with more news. MCL, Twist
Email DJ Twist
Email DJ Twist
Email DJ Twist
Click here to buy Cracked Tiles from Hatchetgear


What's up bitches? Some news for ya:

Here's Screwball's update from earlier today with info and pictures from the tour ninja Matt Nipz

What up yall?
This be your neighborhood keyboard killa, Screwball, here with some flavor for that ass! I just received this exclusive letter from Matt-Nipz, via the Twiztid & Bone Tour. As some of you remember, Matt-Nipz was the ninja responsible for the letters home during the mirror-mirror 2002 tour, A.K.A. the "Letters from Matt-Nipz". So, without further adieu, here's what I received from my homie, and yours.... Matt-Nipz!

Whut up?  Matt-Nipz back in the house like some furniture n' shit! First off, if you reading this = one luv family!! I'm out here putting down with my mutha fuckin homies Twiztid on what has to be one of the freshest tours I've ever been a part of! Yes, I'm talking about the Twiztid/Bone 2003 tour. It's amazing, it's history in the making, it's....... it's weed everywhere! The first few shows have been off the hook, and sold out too! So, if you was thinking for some reason that this shit wasn't gonna be all that and a pimp hat = you was wrong as hell! I got a chance to check out a lil' of Bone's set yesterday, and it was live as hell, and they even gave out a shout to Twiztid & the Juggalos, man they're the shit - flat out, Bone gots Juggalo luv!! Our bus driver's name is Sarge. Now what I'm wondering is, does that make me a fuckin lieutenant or something, cause if it does, then mutha fuckaz betta start saluting me, n' shit. Madrox, and Monoxide wanted me to tell yall some thangz so, here they are.......

Thang #1) Don't forget to call the hot-line for some daily flavor!
Thang #2) We got nothing but luv for the Juggalos, & Juggalettes world wide, dead or alive!
Thang #3) If we're reppin' the hatchet in your neck of the woodz, come through n' halla at your fam - ya know?

.............OK, well I'm back, and it seems like every time I'm typin', somebody's gotta come up and fuck wit me, weather it be Madrox, JD, Matt D., Mono, Joe-P, or Monoxide, somebody always hittin' the delete button, or pressing the space bar, just to piss me off. The bad part about it is that it works, it really pisses me right the fuck off but, anyway I just wanted to drop a line attached wit some pictures to my peoples at twiztid.com so, yall can keep the sight current n' what not... I'll be back with more tour-side flavor real soon. So, until then.................
Peace & family luv!!!

Well, thanx Matt-Nipz for that flavor nugget, and click HERE for those pic's he spoke of.
Well, that's all for now!
I'm in yall!


Here's one of those pics - Click on it to see more

Check this out from Netmaster Gordon:

From: Netmaster Gordon
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 7:30 PM

Indeed, you have read correctly.
Zug Izland is unfortunately not playing at the Factory on February 1st anymore due to complications with the scheduling at the venue.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Netmaster Gordon

Go check these guys out - It's a group of Aussie Juggalos and they have a fresh site and a song you can download. Peep em HERE

I'm off to watch Southpark - MCL, Twist
Email DJ Twist
Email DJ Twist
Email DJ Twist
Click here for more Twiztid Tour pics


What's up Pimps and Pimpettes? More news for ya asses

There are two new items at Hatchetgear - An ABK Jersey and the Mutilation Mix CD - Click
HERE for the new items page, or click on the pictures to check the items out

Hockey Jersey - ABK - Skull Logo - Black XL and XXXL $100.00

CD - ICP - Mutilation Mix $15.00

Icp makes a brief appearance on the VH1 show "
Porn To Rock and Rap." It's been on a couple of times lately, so you can probably catch it next time it's on - ICP appears in the last 10 minutes or so.

There's a new Twiztid concert date at

Tue 05/13/03   Seattle, WA  Showbox 

Apparently, Twiztid is now a rhythm and blues band! - Here's the something I found about Twiztid's upcoming concert in Columbus:

"COLUMBUS -- Rhythm-and-blues musicians Twiztid and Bone, Thugs N Harmony will perform at PromoWest Pavilion at 7 p.m. Friday. Tickets are $25."

Click below to see the page

Let's Go!-Manfield News Journal-1/30/03

I found a discussion board about Frankenstien movies, but for some reason Big Money Hustlas is one of the choices! Check it out:

Frankenstein Movie Discussion With BMH


What do people who like Insane Clown Posse listen to ? This site will tell you. It's a weird music graph thing - You have to see it to understand. Peep it here:

Insane Clown Posse - gnod's statistics

Over at
Realjuggalettes, the new hotline audio is up - Check it out HERE

That's my story and I'm stickin to it - Peace, MCL Twist
Email DJ Twist
Email DJ Twist
Email DJ Twist
Click here to see this item at Hatchetgear!
Click here to see this item at Hatchetgear!


I'm still alive...
Surprised to see me? Hey, I'm even surprised that I'm updating. I went on a Laziness Break. Sorry everybody. Anyway, I'm back now so let's get on with this...

First off, I got a little something that
Twiztid Tim (who is also a frequent poster at our message board) wanted me to post:
Hey everyone..uh i got a few probs..well i live in Australia see and i cannot find ANY psychopathic gear or anything but i once found a shirt at a place but it was fuken $90 and im like FUCK cuz i aint got much cash...no job or nuthin either..which sux cuz i cant cant a job for about another year and a half..anyways!...So i was wondering if anyone here was willing to sell me sum stuff cheap...i
guess i'd pay for the stuff like say if any of u's had a hatchetman/twiztid/icp charm or anything u'd wanna sell id pay up to..30 or sumthin and postage or sumthin. Ok peace MCL, If ya wanna contact me here are my things:

AIM: Krzy Juggalo4
MSN: Twiztid_Tim@hotmail.com

So, if you can help him, contact Tim

There's another drawing sent in by Twiztid Tim. Go to the Juggalo Artwork section to see that.

Realjuggalettes.net is conducting an interview with the Rude Boy in a few weeks. Head over to Realjuggalettes.net for details on that.

That's it for me. There wasn't much news to post, but ah well.
Remember to visit our message board! Click
here for The Unveiling Board.



What's up all - lots of news, but first I wanted to address the tragedy that happened earlier. I remember when it happened the first time, and I never thought it could happen again. The Space Shuttle Columbia and all seven astronauts aboard have been lost. Whatever it is that you do to honor the dead, do it today - Put your flag at half mast, light a candle, say a prayer, pour some on the curb, light one up and remember those that gave their lives in the name of discovery and exploration for the benefit of mankind. Seven familys are grieving today, but I hope we see those seven astronauts one day in Shangri-La. Take this time to appreciate those you love and who love you, and I hope we all make it to Shangri-La together. All right, here's some news


Check this out from

I'm back and I can now tell yas one (just one) of the phresh things comin' your way. There's a banner right up there, right above Site of the Moment...take a look! It's true, I got the official word from the man himself--RJ.net is gonna be interviewing Rude Boy...yes, AGAIN--a lot has happened since last time and Rudy's just phresh as hell, nuff said. You can send in your questions here: AngieRJnet@hotmail.com. I'll give yas a 2 weeks to get questions in, make 'em good! Please put "Question for Rudy" or something like it in the subject of the email.

So go check that out and if you have a question for Rudy send it in!


This is up at

Zug Izland's album CRACKED TILES is now available in stores and on HatchetGear.com, through Psychopathic Records/Red Music Distribution.

Click Here to get it now!

Would you like a chance to be able to hear Cracked Tiles before you buy it? Psychopathic Records is looking out for you. We've made sure that you will be able to hear the entire album in the listening posts at each of these stores throughout the month of February. Be sure to hit up these great independent stores to grab your copy of Zug's debut album.


Dimple Records in Sacramento, Folsom, Roseville, and Citrus Heights
Rasputin Records in Berkeley, Campbell, Newark, Pleasant Hill, San Lorenzo, San Francisco, and Vallejo

Schoolkids Records in Athens
Criminal Records in Atlanta

Ear X-Tacy in Louisville


Desirable Discs in Dearborn (two locations)

North Carolina:
Manifest Discs in Wilmington and Charlotte
Schoolkids Records in Chapel Hill, Raleigh, and Cary

South Carolina:
Manifest Discs in Columbia, Greenville, and Charleston

The Disc Exchange in Knoxville (two locations)

So if one of these locations is near you, go get it!


TWO posts from ICP.com!

Zug Izland kicks off its tour!
Posted on 1-31-2003
by NetmasterGordon

What up Juggalos and Zuggalos?

Zug Izland, Psychopathic Record's very own rock band, is kicking off their nationwide tour with
King's X TONIGHT in St. Petersburg, Florida! After they kick it in Florida they'll be hitting up venues throughout the country, bringing a little Psychopathic to the wondrous and diverse world of Rock. If you've a rap fan who also enjoys a taste of rock, you're going to want to give Zug Izland a try, and what better way than at one of their shows? Zug's tour with King's X is going to be hitting up many major cities throughout the country, so if you're interested, check out ZugIzland.com for the closest tour stop to your town.

And while you're there, if you like what you've heard from Zug Izland at either their show or from their
online samples, you might give their new album Cracked Tiles a shot, now available in stores throughout the country and online through HatchetGear.com.

Click here for more...

and this about a wrestling benefit TONIGHT!

Brawl for Braxton
Posted on 1-31-2003
by NetmasterGordon

As many of you know, JCW wrestler
Yukon Braxton passed away December 30th, 2002 of a brain-aneurysm. Unfortunately his untimely death has left some financial matters unsettled, so this Saturday, February 1st, 2003 at St. Andrews Hall a couple dozen of his closest homies and fellow wrestlers have decided to get together and throw a benefit show to help out Yukon's family! Just about EVERYONE will be at this inter-promotional pro-wrestling super-show. The main event features a no-rules, over-the-top, all-out BATTLE ROYAL with wrestling superstars from all over the wrestling world! JCW's very own quintessential king of hardcore The Rude Boy will be there, ready to issue an unhealthy, unfiltered, hardcore beatdown! And on top of that there is the double dose of more hardcore madness with Madman Pondo and Homeless Jimmy the Death Dealer against Necro Butcher with Mr. Insanity the Deranged! AND as if that wasn't enough you've still got Bryer Wellington, Chris Sabin, Anthony Rivera, Elvis Elliot, Loverboy Steve, Amazing N8, Original Sinn, Stevie Lee, DBA vs. Corporal Robinson, plus the tasty Tracy Brooks, the delicious Ms. Natasha, Teo the world's smallest hardcore athlete, and TONS more! All proceeds from the event will go to benefit Yukon Braxton's family. Without question, this is a LEGENDARY gathering of wrestling forces not to be missed, so be there tomorrow night at 7 PM at St. Andrews Hall (431 East Congress, Detroit, MI) and pay homage to Yukon Braxton the way he would have wanted most: at the ring-side of some dope-ass wrestling!

Click here for more...

So you lucky Detriot area Juggalos should go check that out!


This is the only one I could find, but there should be more soon!

Fri, 02/21/03
8:00 pm
Better Dayz Tour with Outlawz & Blaze Ya Dead Homie
Bash On Ash
Tempe, AZ
Find Tickets - on sale now!

That's it for now, but I will be back soon ! Go to The Unveiling Board, sign up, and join us!
MCL, Twist
Email DJ Twist
Email DJ Twist
Email DJ Twist

What's up juggalos and juggalettes? I have some news and not much time to type this out so here we go

Violent J's Freekly Weekly
Finally, we get J's Weekly Freekly! It's about time! Check out the post and go read J's Weekly Freekly
A Weekly Freekly for that ass!
Posted on 2-3-2003
by NetmasterGordon

And like a raven in the night sky, so comes another of those rare and wonderful vicarious views through the eyes of Violent J in the most recent
Weekly Freekly! Yes, Violent J has some word os wisdom and messages of maddness to share, so take 15 minutes, crack open a Faygo, fire up your smokes, and enjoy what your favorite wicked clown has in store for you. Hit up all the devastation  RIGHT HERE.
Oh, and if any of you Cable-TV-connected Juggalos out there have missed ICP's music video for Homies, keep your eyes on HBO. They've been throwing it into the mix in-between movies and at random times. It's just another place where you can get a chance to see the flavor if you haven't yet, or see it again if you already have.
Click here for more...

an update from Screwball
What up yall???
This be ya neighborhood keyboard killa - Screwball here, with some newz for that ass but, first another message from our homie Matt Nipz via the (Bone/Twiztid) tour.  So here go that.......

Hey, what's shakin?  Matt Nipz all in this bitch, kickin down a lil' tour-side flavor for the official twiztid.com sight n' shit so, let's get started!  First off, the shows have been off tha hook..... Our homies ICP & ABK flew out to Minneapolis to catch the show at The Quest, and we all got so high after the show that I got cramps in my cheeks from smiling, and laughing so fuckin much.  Monoxide and Violent-J had a fresh smokin' session with Krazy, Lazy, & Wish before the night began so I'm still trying to find out if Bone's gonna be on The Green Book or not?  Ummmmm, I hope I don't get fired for speculating on that or, I mean, well, let's just change the topic.  So, if Twiztid raps on that new Krazy Bone (Leatherface) LP that shit'll be the bomb fo sho, right?  I mean, last night's show at The State was amazing.  It was extra fresh for Twiztid, because they got to head line their home town - Detroit.  In attendance was standard Steve from the office, JD tha weed man, Double-A, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, The Shadow, as well as the millions, and millions of D-town Juggalos, and Juggalettes.  And to top it all off our homie Esham "The Boogie Man" introduced Twiztid, man - that shit was the shit!!  My homie Pickelez has been on serious digital camera duty so, over the next few days expect to see a lot of his handy work with the camera.  The Cleveland show is today so, I'll be there.  Then I fly the great skyz to join ICP on their wraith Shangri-la tour.  If you see me out there - holla!!!
Peace & family luv
Matt Nipz.

As always....
Thanks to Matt Nipz for the flavor nuggets of info.  And did I read what I think I read?  Dammm!  Don't worry ya homie Screwball is on the story right now as you read this. 
In other newz....
Tour dates?  What's that you ask?  Well, Blaze Ya Dead Homie/Outlaws tour dates are being posted right here on the tour section coming this week, as well as more Twiztid tour dates - yes more Twiztid dates so, keep your eyes peeled all week long for that & more, plus Pickelez photo mania  - stay tuned!!!!!
I'm in - yall peace!

here's some tour dates from Twiztid.com for the Blaze Ya Dead Homie Tour. check them out









That's all for me today. Remember to visit the message board! Click here for The Unveiling Board.


What's up tokers and jokers? I've been busy for a while but I got a minute to drop some info.

Netmaster Gordon posted some interesting news today:

Posted on 2-5-2003
by NetmasterGordon

What up Juggalos?

Two pieces of information for you:

First, our dead homie and your Blaze is doing a show this Friday, February 7th in Cleveland, Ohio, and soon after that will be heading out on tour with The Outlaws! Yes, Blaze will soon be tearing it up, serving up an unhealthy and unnatural dose of Psychopathic stylin' for a some lucky cities. Is Blaze on his way to your town?
Find out right here

Second, tomorrow evening, around 5 PM, we'll be dropping some hardcore flavor that many of you have been waiting for. I don't want to ruin the surprise, so I'm not going to even HINT at what this flavor is that we're dropping on your unsuspecting minds, but I will tell you this: it will be pretty damn fresh! If you've got a Juggalo website and aren't too busy tonight, make a guess as to what this flavor will be and post your thought on your website somewhere. Then you can brag to everyone if you guessed it right. BUT, whatever the case, just be back here around 5 PM, Thursday, February 6th, and prepare for some true devastation.

I will tell you this: this big news is it not the date and location for this year's Gathering of the Juggalos. That information will be coming soon enough, though.

Click here for more...

Well, I checked some of the other sites and I didn't find anyone else making any guesses...I guess they pussed out cuz they're scared they'll be wrong. Well, I have no idea what it is, but I'll throw out a guess - I think maybe it'll be some JCW info, but I could be wrong. Well, check back tomorrow and we'll see!

In case you haven't seen it yet (I use a pop-up stopper so I didn't for while), there's an interview with Syn at Zug Izland.com. But if you'd rather see it in a full page instead of a tiny pop-up box, click below

Interview with Syn


Woo Woo! They got some new charms and and earrings up at Hatchetgear. Check em out. And let me just say I think 200 dollars is a hell of a lot of bones for 10K gold! C'mon guys, lower the price or
make it 24K! Who wears gold anymore anyway? - it's so 80's. How bout some plat?
I'd shell out for that!

Jewelry - Psychopathic - Hatchetman Charm - Sterling Silver New Style - L

Jewelry - Psychopathic - Hatchetman Charm - Sterling Silver New Style - S

Jewelry - Psychopathic - Earrings - 14K Gold - S

Jewelry - Psychoapthic Records - 10K Hatchetman New Style - Gold - S

They snuck in some more dates on the tours - Here's some links to check em out

Blaze at Pollstar

Shangri-La Tour at Pollstar

Twiztid at Pollstar

Zug Izland at Pollstar

Well, that's it for now - Check back tomorrow for more news! Peace, MC Budda
Email MC Budda
Email MC Budda
Click here to check it out!
Click here to check it out!
Click here to check it out!
Click here to check it out!
Email MC Budda