<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/thevenablefamily/xmastime.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The Venable Family
est. 1999
Welcome to our website!  Here you will find the latest news, pictures, and happenings with our family.  Be sure to sign our guestbook and tell us what you think!
Photo Album
E-Mail Us
Check out these Links!
Lori's Blog on Yahoo! 360 -- My first attempt at blogging...you never know what you'll find here!
Weather Underground--One of my favorite weather websites.
First Baptist Church of Bossier City, LA -- our Church!  Links to OnePlace.com, and FredLowery.com where you can listen to our Pastor, Dr. Fred Lowery.
ChildrenWithDiabetes.com -- tons of information about Type 1 Diabetes; a really great site.
Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation --  Funds research for type 1 diabetes.  A cure will be found very soon... Please support them so it can be sooner!!
Neopets -- The most fun you can have on the internet!  Kid-safe and free.  Create your own "pet", and interact in an expansive online community with games, events, shops, and more!  Member since 1999.
Freecycle.org -- An awesome idea that started in Arizona a few years back.  Groups are now in communities nationwide.  Don't throw anything away that someone else might be able to use! 
VeggieTales! -- We're BIG on VeggieTales at our house!  Here's an awesome fan website that we frequent.  Don't forget to check out the Official Website as well... there are some great games here!
(under construction)
Album Directory...

Andrew's Birth Announcement
Family Portrait Jan. 2005
Hurricane Rita--Sept. 2005--NEW
one--Dec 2004.
two--Dec/Jan 2004
three--Jan 2005
four--Jan 2005
five--Easter 2005
six--Spring 2005
seven--Spring 2005
eight--Summer 2005
nine--Summer 2005
ten--Summer 2005
eleven--Summer 2005
twelve--Space Suttle Discovery
thirteen--Fall 2005--NEW
fourteen--Fall 2005--NEW
Wishing you a Blessed Christmas Season filled with love, joy, and wonder at the miracle of Jesus' birth!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....from our family, to yours!