My name is Stefani most people call me Stef. I am currently going to school in New Mexico(NMSU). 

I am majoring in economics.   I  plan to get this degree and then go into the Air Force/Navy and become a pilot...a life long dream.

Music is a big part of my life.  I grew up with music everywhere and now I don't know what i'd do  without it.    I have played the piano since 7th grade, In 4th grade I played the viola, I played the clarinet in junior high and two years in highschool.   I've even tried to write my own music for the piano.   My favorite band right now is either Tonic, Primitive Radio Gods,  or Moby. Keep in mind this changes about once a week.  I like variety!!

I have lived in quite a few places and traveled to a few too.  I have lived in Texas, Illinois, England, New Mexico, and Colorado.  I have never been to the east coast, it is someplace I do want to visit soon. I have been to Arizona, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Indiana, Wisconsin, MInnisota, Missouri, maybe Iowa....can't remember, Utah and California. 

What I really enjoy reading is philosophy...i know sounds boring, but at this point in my life its what I enjoy reading most.  My favorite books are Mary Stewarts trilogy 'The Crystal Cave', 'Hollow Hills', and 'The Last Enchantment'.  I do recommend these if you like stuff about Merlin and King Arthur.  It starts out telling how merlin was born and goes through until King Arthur dies.  A new, and I must say awsome beyond a doubt book ,that someone recommended to me 'Godel, Escher, Bach: an eternal golden braid'  (Douglas R. Hofstadter) is a definate recomendation to those of you who enjoy science philosophy  ......sounded pretty dull when I was told about it but I tried it and found it pretty interesting.  Just finished the book Timeline by Michael Crichton, not bad but don't see how the movie could be any good...anyway I should see it before I say that.
