3rd Street Swingers
Santa Monica, CA
In order for any Social Dance event/function to remain friendly and enjoyable for all, each individual's conducive participation is necessary for the personal safety, out of respect, and as a common courtesy to Other Dancers and Spectators.  The following are Guidelines of Dance Etiquette and Conduct that should be Routinely Observed and Excercised by All Dancers on any dance floor/area, including the 3rd Street Swingers' venue:

*  Leaders, as a gentleman, take your follows hand, or hand on arm and
Safely Lead and Escort her on to
    the dance floor/area.

*  Leaders, be
Routinely Aware and Conscientious of other dance couples around you and Always Attempt
Protect Your Follow for Her Safety, since you’re usually directing and guiding her movements.

*  If you kick, step on, elbow, slap, or bump into someone, be sure to
Acknowledge the Incident, then
Graciously Apologize, and determine that no serious injury has occured to them.

*  Leaders, if dancing with less experienced follows, keep the steps simple and basic at first, then steadily
    ramp up to the level your partner can
Comfortably Handle and Enjoy. Don't be a "Showboat" when it’s
    Not Necessary, the
One Main Important Point to Remember, Always, is to “MAKE HER LOOK GOOD!”

It’s Impolite to correct, criticise, or give instruction to your partner while dancing, unless the person asks
    for your help, advice, or if the person is physically hurting you during a particular movement.

*  If there is a live band performing, and at the conclusion of your dance, if not after each, then after a few
    dances, please
Give Your Acknowledgement and Respect to the Band by the Show of Your Polite Hand
    of Applause.
The musicians of the band will feel more appreciated, become more energized and 
    inspired to play even more enthusiastically and better for you and the audience when this occurs.

*  At the conclusion of the dance,
Graciously and Courteously “Thank” your partner, and then Safely Escort
    her off the dance floor/area.

*  If you desire NOT to dance, say something to the effect of,
“I'm Sorry, No Thank You,” followed with a
“Qualifier.” But, DON’T Immediately Dance with someone else if you had just turned down a request
    from another.
It’s Very Impolite!

*  It's
Good Etiquette or Rule of Thumb, whenever the lead dances with any follow, especially a novice,
    beginner, or new individual, that you try to
dance with her for 2 consecutive songs. In this way, it will
    give the opportunity and time for the follow to get a little more comfortable, familiar, connected, and to  
    better enjoy your lead and dance style.  The exception to this, is when
through verbal/nonverbal
    communication or ques by the follow, that one dance is enough for her, or as the lead/follow, the next
    song's tempo or style of music is not to your liking, or you're too tired, or simply that you can't dance to it.

*  Aerial steps, moves or flips, simple or difficult, are
NOT ALLOWED on a Crowded social dance floor/area,
with the Exception when it’s in a Jam Circle, or a Couple/Team Spotlight Performance.

*  Aerial steps, moves or flips, simple or difficult, should
ONLY be done with a Steady Partner, or with
    individuals that you’ve
Practiced or Successfully Performed with before.

*  Practicing of any
New Aerial steps, moves or flips, simple or difficult are NOT ALLOWED on a Crowded
social dance floor/area, Jam Circle, or in any Impromptu Spotlight Performance.

*  If you
Perspire Profusely, pace and/or limit the amount of your contiguous dancing, take more rest
    breaks, dry yourself frequently as needed with a towel, napkins, fan, and/or bring a change of shirt(s) or
No One Desires to Voluminously Share In Your Sweat!

Please Keep off the Dance Floor/Area if you're NOT dancing, just mingling, drinking, eating, or smoking. 
    For it can be a prime situation where an
Accident or a question of Personal Safety may arise for the
Dancers and/or Yourself.

*  If you happen to have a situation of Perspirational Malodorousness of the body, it's Highly
that you use deordant, cologne, perfume, or wear clean clothes, etc.  For Unfavorable
    Aroma of the breath
(i.e. have eaten onions, garlic, etc.) or a condition of Halitosis, Please use breath
    mints, chewing gum, or a breath spray, etc. 
In a Close Embrace, No One Desires to Be Olfactory

If you desire to dance and to participate in the fun, whether you be female or male, you'll need to make it
    seem somewhat readily obvious to others by
Your Body Language and/or Facial Expression while Your
    Standing or Sitting
near the perimeter or vicinty of the dance floor/area. If you stand or sit off in some
    obscure, dark, and/or back corner or area of the establishment, usually and typically you will not be
    approached or asked to dance.

*  No matter what level of dance abilities or experience any individual may have
, We All Should Routinely
    Remember and Strive for the Goal to ALWAYS
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Dance Etiquette
That Swingin' Music
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This page revised on:
 This WebPage has been authored by Joshua.