Wo - oh were like bad Murikans, Bad Murikan is what I be.
Ooo-uh-o, Ooo-uh-o, Bad Murikans, Bad Murikans feel our disease.
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I am not really proud to be an American, nothing to do with the country, it's a pretty good country.  I got a problem with its voters, but what are you gonna do?
Check out the previous issue!
Volume 8: 
Nov 15, 2004
Take it Easy, Ok?
We lost!  It's hard to accept.  What I've found is that by accepting it, and pulling off the Kerry bumperstickers that I am now free.  Not only did I lose the last election, I lost the will to care or to be interested.  Not to say that I want get it back, but for now I am going to watch a little Nascar, a little football, and a little NBA.  All the while I hope to watch the stock market go up, up, up!  Bread and Circuses are the perfect distractions when your republic becomes an empire.
10 Blue State Answers to Red State Questions
#10.  Q: How do we ever get American Troops out of Iraq?
A: Not any of my concern.  I voted against the war.  I lost.  The winners surely don't need my help to figure it out.  I'm just an evil liberal.

#9    Q: So have you given up on your country?  Don't you love your country?
       A: No I haven't given up on my country, I've just decided to take a break for a while.  I love my country so much that I am willing to consider the possibility that I am wrong about everything, and that I am part of the problem.  That's what the conservatives say.  They won the election, so let's see if they're right.

#8    Q: Do you think that the Democrats in the Senate should give up the right to filibuster in order to get the Presidents judicial choices approved.

A: No, but they should not hold back candidates that they oppose on political grounds only.  If a candidate is unfit for some reason (crazy, felon, etc) no way.  Otherwise, why not let it come up for a vote.  We lost.  They won.  We Democrats have to be willing to let people get a big dose of the medicine they elected.  Good or ill, they deserve it, let them have it.

#7    Q: So you are really just sulking because you lost, right?

A: No.  I did lose.  We lost bad.  But I am not sulking.  I am retreating.  I am trying to do the right thing and take my bad american views out of the mainstream.  I am no longer making the effort to pollute our national discourse with my evil/immoral belief that people should be treated equally and that poverty is the largest problem facing our country.  Besides, Republicans control the house, the senate, the judiciary and the executive.  They don't want my input and they don't need my input.  I can live with that.  Bring on the Miami Heat and the Carolina Panthers.

#6    Q:  How do you feel about Social Security Reform, or the President's other proposals?

      A:  I don't really care.  Get to it.  Git'er done.  Fix social security, fix tort reform, fix whatever ails you.  If you don't fix it, it ain't getting fixed.  Not my responsibility.  Nothing I can do about it.  Republicans take their legislative directives from the White House and they seem to have some pretty bold ideas.  And they definitely don't include Democrats when crafting legislation, not that they need to.

#5    Q:  Don't you think that now is a time for both parties to come together to fix the country's problems?

     A:  No.  The time for that was after the Republicans tried to impeach Clinton.  The time now is for Democrats to lay back and take a vacation.  Republicans have made it clear that they think we are evil and that we are the party that is responsible for every problem in American Life.  We'll start working with the Republicans, well, probably not ever.  Don't sweat it though.  You don't need us.  You got everything handled.

#4    Q:  Do you support the troops?  Do you support the war in Iraq?

A:  Troops, yes - I hope they aren't killed or injured and that they come home safe.  The war in Iraq?  Who cares what I think?  I voted against it and lost.  More Americans support the war than oppose it.  American fatalities and injuries are ok in their book.  Personally I don't even want to think about it.  It doesn't impact me in any way.

#3    Q:  So are you renouncing your citizenship?

       A:  No.  I am just taking some time off from being a "good" citizen.  My ideas are considered evil by the Republicans, so I am giving them an opportunity to "clean things up".

#2    Q:  So does that mean you now support what the Republicans are doing?

       A:  No.  I wish them the best.  But it seems clear to me that they'll end up screwing things up beyond anything we can now imagine.  It's bad for the country in my opinion, but my opinion doesn't count.  I just hope that Democrats take this opportunity to take a nice long vacation and remember that we lost this election because we allowed the media to castrate and destroy Howard Dean in the primaries.

#1    Q:  So you want bad things to happen to the country?  You want the Republicans to fail?

       A:  Yes, I am no different from any Bush voter.  I believe that if the country votes Republican that it should get a Republican agenda.  The Republicans support an agenda that is harmful to the environment, prosecutes an endless war for profit, and has designs on bankrupting the treasury so that they can destroy many of the social programs that people depend on.  But what I want doesn't count.  I cannot do anything to effect this.  I can only watch what the Republicans do.  I hope that they achieve their vision for the country.  It will be bad for the country, but that is what the majority want, and it may cause some people to vote for the Democrats next time.
Wake Me Up in About 2 Years, ok?



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