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Mom made us go to bed early

the night before

so we hadn't even seen the inside of our new church.

The next morning Daddy said

"Well, I take it that none of you kids

are interested in checking out our new church

so I'll just go on over by myself".

He wiped a piece of toast

around his oatmeal bowl

to get every last drop

and stood up from the table.

Since me and the boys

hated oatmeal

we stood up from the table too

and Daddy laughed at us

and said

"Well, let's go then".

We left Mom to do up the dishes

while we ran over to the church.

It was beautiful!

Sunlight streamed into all the windows

the altar was made of some kind of red wood

and it had a dainty piece of lace on top of it

which made it a place of beauty unto the Lord.

There was a blue rug on the floor

and all the wood trim

was blue and gold.

I saw on the attendance board

that the attendance last Sunday

was 32

and that they sang from Page 69 in the hymnal.

So it was a small church with a small congregation


It made you just want to sit down and stay

in the presence of the Lord

in that beautiful church


Daddy opened a door off the vestibule

and showed us his study

that had a big desk

a soft chair

and a wall with bookcases from floor to ceiling.

You could just tell he was thrilled to pieces!

"Look at this!" he said, taking a book off the shelves

"This is a hymnal from 1892!

And here's a book of sermons by John Wesley!"

Me and the boys looked at the books to be polite

and because Daddy was so excited about them.

Who knows why.

Daddy could be strange at times.

Daddy sent Jimmy over to get some Murphy's Oil Soap

and some rags

and he set to scrubbing all the pews

which was silly

because they were made of that same kind of red wood

that the pulpit was made of

and there wasn't a speck of dirt or dust on them.

But like I said, Daddy could be mighty strange at times.

The door opened

with a squeak

and in came three ladies and two men and a little boy

and they caught Daddy in the act

of cleaning the pews

and one of the ladies said to Daddy

in a hurt voice

"We cleaned this church from stem to stern just last week!

I guess we didn't do a good enough job to suit you."

Daddy was in deep trouble

backed into a corner

his face beet red

all eyes upon him

waiting for his answer.

And Daddy blurted out the truth

He said, "This church is so beautiful

and I can't preach in it 'til Sunday

and my hands were itchy to get busy

so I had to set about doing something".

Well, all those people rushed up to Daddy


and they hugged him

and told him that Brother Rudy had been so pleased with us

that they just couldn't wait for Sunday

to come and meet us.

They all introduced themselves

Brother Luke Brother Charles Sister Fran Sister Mary

Sister Alfreda, and Sister Alfreda's son, Joey.

Then the ladies took over Daddy's job

of pew cleaning

while the men talked to Daddy about things like window caulking

checking the roof

fixing the squeaky doors.

Mom came over

and all the ladies rushed up to her

and they started jabbering

and they went over to the parsonage

where they showed Mom how to work the oven

and helped her unpack

and they hung the picture of Jesus

over our new living-room couch

and Mom made coffee

and they sat around the dining-room table


about Daddy cleaning the pews.

That night, at devotions

Daddy thanked the Lord for putting the right words in his mouth

when he was in trouble with his new congregation

and Mom thanked the Lord for a wonderful day

of sitting around and talking to the church ladies

which made her feel so relaxed

for the first time in two years

and Jimmy mentioned that he sure hoped he wouldn't have to use

the outhouse tonight


he told the Lord

he didn't mind using it in the daytime

and I thanked the Lord that all the Murphy's Oil Soap was used up

so we wouldn't be embarrassed again.


Music Playing: There's a Church in the Valley

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