Some pictures of our trip to Europe

In April 2004 we went to Europe.

One of my primary activities on this trip was the consumption of good beer. Here we are in a pub in Stevenage, England, where our friend Stuart lives.

In Trieste, Italy, we saw Jacob Moss and Italians kissing.

Europe, in general, is very old. I thought these Roman ruins in Trieste, though nothing special, were nonetheless pretty cool. Justina was very pleased with her matching scarf and handbag.

We visited George Nicodemus and his family in Vienna, Austria. George would be truly content to do nothing but ride the trams all day long.

Europe is full of churches, and I think we visited most of them. I honestly can't remember which one this was - I'll give a prize of one dollar to the first person who writes in and identifies it.

Here's Justina in front of one of the many large photographs of sunbathing nudes that are posted around Europe.

Our trip ended in Belgium where we visited John Nthakomwa and consumed more good beer.

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