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Microsoft Xbox360 Games, Previews, Reviews
Developers from around the world announced that they are
joining the Xbox 360 brigade. Be prepared for rocking Xbox
versions of your best-loved games, like Tony Hawk's Pro
Skater, SSX, Oddworld and Metal Gear Solid.
What is Xbox? Imagine that Bill Gates walks into the room
and tells you and your friends to come up with the ideal
game console. He's got the resources, the engineers and the
connections to make it all happen. You just have to tell him
what to build.
So you and your friends get to work. It's got to be powerful,
that's a given. It's got to have a comfortable, functional
controller and it has to have great
games. Microsoft is recruiting the world's best developers to be a part
of the Xbox experience. Soon you'll wonder how you ever
called yourself a gamer, how you ever lived before playing
new mind-shredding titles like Halo and
More than 200 companies from around
the world have announced their
commitment to Xbox, including Sega,
Activision, Capcom, Eidos, Infogrames,
Konami, Midway, THQ and Electronic Arts. Why are they so
You want full-blown broadband to send
your plays, your combos and your plasma
blobs across the globe and back. You
write it all down and give your wish list to
Bill Gates. "Outstanding," he says.
Since he's got the smartest people in the world working for
him, he adds a few of their ideas to your list, like four
high-speed controller ports and DVD capabilities.
And then he tells you he's going to cram all this gaming
goodness into a cool-looking black box that looks like a cross
between a mega-watt amplifier and Batman's briefcase. How
cool is that?
As it turns out, that's pretty much exactly what Microsoft did,
which is create a gaming dream machine designed by
gamers. That's Xbox. capabilities of the Xbox platform with these downloadable demos created by Xbox developers.
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