Posted By: Sandollar

Date: Thursday, 19 February 2009, 6:29 p.m. I have reported here before that I have been assisting a family for 8 years in an effort to gain a new trial for their son, Jeffrey Washington, who was accused of a murder he did not commit. This post isn't about Jeff, but about Eddie Bell. I don't know a whole lot about his case but what I do know is that the prosecutor in Jeff's case is the same for his. I have sent numerous emails to Governor Timothy Kaines office to try and stop the execution, due to the information I know regarding Jeff's case. Governor Kaine has said he will not stop the execution tonight at 9 PM. Please say a prayer for Eddie Bell and his family. He was accused of killing a police officer. I am including the last email that I sent to Governor Kaines office. 

Thank you, 



Dear Mr. Hennig, 

I am compelled to send this to you in my effort to enlighten you and your staff regarding Mr. Paul Thomson’s visit to Governor Kaine’s office as of yesterday. I find it very curious that an ex-prosecutor, from 8 years ago, would find it necessary to travel to Richmond, VA to defend his death penalty case against Edward N. Bell. It would appear to me that this attempt is to finalize the cover up surrounding this case. Please let me quote from this mornings Northern Virginia Daily Paper. 

Bell's case may not be the buzz of the bookstore, but it does come up on occasion among the patrons of John B. Hayes Tobacconist in Winchester, just a block from where the shooting took place. 

Patrons there said that, while they had all moved to the area since the shooting, they do have friends who were in Winchester in 1999 -- and many have doubts about Bell's guilt. 

"I've heard cops say that he didn't do it," said Gary Gerrien, one of several men in the store smoking Wednesday afternoon "They've said another cop shot him." 


I too, have heard the ongoing rumors that either a cop or a parole officer actually killed Officer Timbrook. 

There are Winchester Police Department investigative notes that were released under an FOIA request which clearly state, through a confidential source, that the former prosecutor, Paul Thomson was “skimming drug money”. The source of that information was redacted out of the document. But oddly enough, it contains the exact number of letters which spell out the name of ’Ricky Timbrook’. An emergency meeting was held within 30 minutes with the top officials of the city. Is this the kind of behavior we would expect from an elected officer of the court? I would not put in credence in anyone who was suspected of skimming drug money. 

Currently, there is a civil suit pending between Frank Washington and Lanelle Hockman, court reporter and (former/present ?) girl friend of Paul Thomson, for fraudulently altering court transcripts. These were transcripts from the DEATH PENALTY CASE OF JEFFREY WASHINGTON. Court transcripts were altered, actually brutalized, by mixing up some names of people present at a murder scene and to top it off, actually changing the number of persons present at that murder scene from 5 to 4. This court reporter was an employee of the City of Winchester in the office of prosecutor Paul Thomson. This lawsuit presents itself such that the implications clearly revolve around the activities of the former prosecutor, Paul Thomson, although he is not a party to it. Is this the kind of behavior we would expect from an elected officer of the court? 

There is ample evidence to suggest that Eddie Bell did NOT murder police officer Ricky Timbrook. Paul Thomson’s visit to Richmond proves to me that he is ‘scared’ the execution will not take place. And please don’t let me forget to bring up the fact that Paul Thomson was involved in an altercation with a police officer and found guilty of simple assault and curse and abuse. He was then allowed to go on the first offender program and as long as he stayed away from trouble for a year, the charges would be dropped. Is this the kind of behavior we would expect from an elected officer of the court? 

This execution should not take place. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I pray that Governor Kaine will do the righteous thing and give Mr. Bell a stay of execution. 

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