The Three Finger Shoves all began with a few beers, some profanity, and inspiration from some quallity music.  3fs often listend to and enjoyed the musical genius of Anal Cunt. One day we decided to make an homage band named Butt-hole Vaginas,  writing some original music inspired by A.C.'s toxic tunes.  Our first band practice we made the songs: Girls Suck, You Look Like Seth Putnam, 10/90 Fag, Dingle Berry Bop, and a few others. After Just a few short songs we knew we had a sound of our own and we needed a totally original name.  Three different names were thought of and after some discussion, and a small survey, we chose the name The Three Finger Shoves. Now no other name would seem as fitting.  We have a "FUCK THE WORLD" attitude, and it shows! We pull no punches with song titles, content, or lyrics! Our songs are short and sweet, but in a few short seconds we convey our message. We don't care who likes us and who hates us, the music isn't  to be liked by the masses.  If you want that kind of shit, go to the Backstreet Boys website, or N'sync or Metallica. But if you want non-pussified music, check us out.

NAME: Peter Russell
Age: 24
Quote: "No seriously  judge...she told me she was eighteen!"
NAME: Brad M. Rickett II
Age: 23
"Dusty Bibles lead to filthy lives."

NAME: Josh Kroeger
Age: 23

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