"Bartolomineo Cristofori of Florence, 1711. " | "Cristofori's Escapement Action, 1720. Restored in 1873 by Cesare Ponsicchi." |
"Schroeter's Model for an Action, 1721." | "Frederici's Upright Grand Piano Action, 1745. In the museum of the Brussels Conservatoire." |
"Mason's Action. From Rimbault: slightly modified for the sake of clarity." | "Mason, London, 1755." |
"Hammer and Lifter of altered Harpsichord by Brock. Instrument in the collection of Mr. Kendrick Pyne, Manchester." | "Zumpe's Square Piano Action, 1766." |
"Single action. [1767]" | "Grand Piano Action, 1776. The 'English' action of Americus Backers." |
"Stein's Action (the earliest so-called Viennese), 1780." | "Johann Andreas Stein's Action, 1780" |
"Old Piano Action on the German principle of Escapement. Square Piano belonging to M. Gosselin, Brussels." | "German Square Action, 1783. Piano by Wagner, Dresden." |
"The common | "Broadwood's grand action" |
"The square pianoforte action with the | "Action of Old English Piano" |
"Harmomelo. Pfeiffer et Cie, 1806." | "The |
"Transposing Pianoforte. Erard, 1812." | "English Sticker Upright Action, 1820" |
"Checked-sticker action [Southwell, 1821] " | "Duoclave Pianoforte. Erard, 1821" |
"Erard's grand action." | "Erard's Improvements on Pianofortes and other Keyed Musical Instruments. [1821]" |
"Smart's repetition action, 1823." | "Johann Baptist Streicher's Action, 1824" |
"Kollmann's down-striking action, 1825." | "The double or piccolo action [Wornum upright, 1826]" |
"Double action [Wornum, 1826]" | "Wornum's Upright Action, 1826. The original of the now universal crank action in upright pianos." |
"Thomas Loud's down-striking action, 1827." | "Blanchet and Roller's Action for Upright Pianofortes, 1829. " |
"Down-striking action by Ebenezer Currier, 1831." | "Lichtenthal Patent No. 538 [1832]" |
"Pianoforte with 'Continuous Sounds'. Pape, 1834" | "Eulriot's Lyre-shaped Pianoforte, 1834." |
"Pape's pianoforte with resonator in the form of a copper bowl, 1834." | "Soufleto's action for Upright Pianofortes, 1836." |
"Down-striking action by Pape, 1839." | "Improvements [to Broadwood's grand action] by Southwell." |
"Mr. Wornum's new Grand Action." | "Mr. Zeiter's new Grand Action." |
"Pianoforte with the sound-board above the strings, Herz, 1843." | "Repetition Action. Kriegelstein, 1844." |
"Mécanisme général" | "Cromwell Pianoforte with harmonic sounds. Eng. Pat. No. 10,937 (1845)." |
"Bord's Double Escapement Action, 1846." | "Square Piano Action" |
"Melodicon with Drums', 1847. [Nunns & Fischer]" | "Erard-Herz Grand Action, Paris, 1850" |
"Pape's Action with double hammers ... 1850." | "Hopkinson's patent 'Tremelo check action' of 1851. (A simplified version.)" |
"Dimoline's Compensation pianoforte mechanism" | "Cary's Repeating Action. [1853]" |
"the Molinoux spring and loop action. [1862]" | "Mekanik för stĺende instrument" |
"Repetitionsmekanik" | "Nedĺt slĺende mekanik" |
"the Brinsmead grand action" | "Pleyel, Wolff et Cie" |
"Mécanisme moderne" | "Upright piano-forte actions of Steinway and Sons" |
"Horizontal...piano-forte actions of Steinway and Sons [1881]" | "Steinway's Grand Piano Action, 1884. The double escapement as in Erard's, but with shortened balance and usual check." |
"Erard's Double Escapement Action, 1884." | "Broadwood's Grand Piano Action, 1884. English direct mechanism." |
"Collard's (properly, Stewart's) grand action" | "Collard's Grand Piano Action, 1884. English action with reversed hopper and contrivance for repetition added." |
"Brown Grand Action" |