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> Birthday POEM!!!

GUILTY: For the crime of ADORABLENESS.

Monday, December 5th, 2005

20:28 - User tax evation: UNFRIENDLY

I don't really have tax evasion...i don't even know what that is! Anyway, HEY! Man...these interals just keep on getting further and further apart. But don't worry people, RadkeJournal is not dead...YET. I was thinking as I'm sitting here at work [at the hospital] that "HEY! I should update RJ! That was quite an abrupt ending last entry, i think it was because i fell asleep...IN CLASS. Oh well though...updates don't come as much as they did in the past. Well, ABRUPT ending!

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

09:36 - So I'm in class, right?

Hey everyone...right now i am in my intro to computers class, and i'm having a blast. Woo. Hoo. It is so much fun i can hardely contain myself.

Actually, I'm quite bored as the teacher explains what an ISP is and the different types ofimage files: ya konw...jpegs, bmps, gifs, etc. This class i HOPE will be easy. I just don't wanna take it for granted and ASSUME iknow everything there is to know for this class. There might be some sortcuts and stuff i can learn in here that will benefit me in the future life of Jonathan Radke.

Recently, I have started to work at GAP as well the hospital still. Things are lookin' up for me lately, and I actually like my GAP job a LOT better than my hospital job! No just sittin' around watching the clock. I actually have sturff to do when i'm working at GAP, and the people are GREAT. It's awesome too, because I figured out how much I'll be making a month with the two jobs...$1200. I know...it's great isn't it? My debt SHOULD be down pretty soon, and that's when the ocean calms down and just chills for a while. I know I'll prolly have to owe more in taxes when the time comes, but it's ok...i'll be making more DURING the year. Well, the actual date right

Sunday, August 14th, 2005

15:51 - Creepiest thing said to me EVER

Hey all and GREETING from Jonathan Robert Radke!!! It's been ABOUT a month since my last update, so it's time for a recap on what has happened!!! Well, the rents went out of town on July 30th for about five day and good times were had by all!!! That sunday night, we had some people over along with a beer bong and PLENTY of mixed drinks including the brand new Banana Radke that is was a BIG HIT. The next two nights after that were kinda crazy...drinking games and cheap beer is NOT a good combination. That wednesday i was finally off from work, and enjoyin' the night with two of my best friends, Johnny Salinas and Michael Kleinecke. Johnny was leaving on that following monday, so we were craming in more hang out time than usual. So, we hung out Wednesday and Thursday, but Friday...THIS was the weekend of tax free and THIS was the first weekend of Jonathan Radke working at GAP!!! Isn't it crazy? I mean, I meet Juan through Biology from him asking me if i played the drums. We hit it off, become best friends...more like brothers, and he introduces me to all the GAP friends. I meet Lauren Kay through Ashley, and I met Ashley through Juan. Lauren and I hit it off over a few weeks, and realize that hey, we're life twins! Since Summer 2004, I have been the unofficial member of the GAP crew but now it's not so unofficial anymore. IT'S OFFICIAL!!! Ya see, what they did was they got their employees bring their friends to work for them over tax-free weekend, so Lauren told me about it, and i signed up for it. On Friday, i guess i did a good job, becaue i was getting compliments from a lot of the staff. In fact, the manager of the store told one of the assisstant managers [who is my friend, Beth] that he would give me a job on the spot. Beth tells him that i already work at the hospital but she tells me what he said. I start thinking about what he said for the next few days, and contemplate whether or not i could handle two jobs. On Sunday, I approach Beth and ask her how i would go about keeping the job at GAP, and all she says is "just stay on the payroll." So OFFICIALLY on Wednesday, August 17th, i will be a GAP employee as well as a Memorial City Hospital employee. I'LL BE GETTIN' PAID EVERY WEEK!!! FUCKIN A!!! It'll work out becasue I only work every other week for the hospital so all the weeks i'm off from the hospital, i'll be working at GAP! AEWSOME! The job isn't even that hard...the only thing I'm sort of worried about is selling GAP cards. I know it'll take some time to figure out my angle on selling, but i think i'll be able to do it.

Anywho in other news, I HAVE A NEW COMPUTER THAT ROCKS MY FUCKING YELLOW SOCKS OFF!!! Mike helped me order and put together this AMAZING computer that is designed specifically for video editing. The world WILL once again feel the wrath of RadkeVIDEOS. This new computer like EATS my old one up. Not only does it EAT it, but it also shits it out and then shits on it once again to assure shitting on was commenced. Yeah...THAT good. Thanks again Mike for helping me put together a badass computer...IT'S LIKE LEGOS!!! VERY EXPENSIVE LEGOS!!!

Another thing that is going on in my life is that my debt is going down!!! I paid off my whole credit card debt, and i only have 120 more dollars on my debit card debt!!! YAY FOR ME!!! After debt is gone, that's when profit is built as put so eloquently by my father.

This space is a space for anybody who cares to read it...in the past, i might have done something or said something that has gotten somebody hurt, but i want all of you to know that in NO way did i ever mean for you to feel the way you did after my actions. I take full responibility in what i have done, and I ask for all of your forgiveness. We all do stupid things every now and then. I mean, we're only human. *cue dramatic orchestral music*

Now that I think about it, i think Travis Elrod is the ONLY person in existance that I have actually wanted to hurt both physically and mentally. I think i did a pretty good job of it mental wise, but the only thing i think i might have physically hurt on him was the back of his feet when i threw that box of cords on them. hahaha...good times "fighting" Elrod. DUR DUR DUR!!!

OH YEAH!!! I totally forgot to tell you guys about my entry title!!! So, I'm walking back to my desk at the hospital, and I see one of the housekeepers that i know, but haven't seen in a long while. Well, we start to talking and stuff and i tell her how good i did last semester and how much better i was doing in both the disesase sense and the physical sense. All of a sudden she says, "I wish you could pee in a cup so my children would drink it and grow up to be like you!" I mean, at first it's a little flattering, but about 3 seconds after it is said, you start thinking about it. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! You want your kids to drink MY pee? WTF?!?!!? We talk a little more, but at this moment, i'm not really paying attention to what she is saying, but more of trying to hold in the hystarical laughter. I finally say "well it was nice seeing you" and I continue to my desk. But MAN...i mean WHO SAYS THAT? More importantly, how do you answer to something like that? Should I have said, "i just went"? or "give me about thirty minutes"? I know she wasn't serious, but she didn't have to put it so well, as disgusting as a golden shower. All I did when she said that was laugh though. So yeah..there goes my entry title explination. END!!!

Website: Zelda Universe - Zelda is DEFINENTLY the best game EVER.

ShoUt out: Andy Salazar - Happy 21st Andy!!!
Christina Alvarez - Happy 20th Christina!!!

current mood: SOOOOOO tired

current music: Hot Action Cop - Don't Want Her to Stay

Current Word/Phrase of the Day:"I didn't fall back, because i knew if i feel back, you would catch me." ~Michael Kleinecke [MAN!, we were retarded]


Friday, July 29th, 2005

19:06 - Yeah...not really updating a lot lately

HELLO EVERYONE!!! Oh MAN, it's been a while since i last updated everyone on the Radketrain! The biggest news that has gone done in the past uh like THREE MONTHES is that one of my brothers, David Salinas, got married to a wonderful woman named Jackie Yonan. Actually, they've been married since summer 04 but they had the wedding just recently...in which my friends and I took full advantage of the two kegs that were bought. I'm gonna try to summarize the past four monthes very simply...and HOPEFULLY short.

Well then...April was fun ya know...school, work, all that good stuff. I actually did extremely well in school last semester though. I got an A in physics!!! It only took me three tries, but i DID IT!!! AND GOOD TOO!!! I just can't believe it's been this long since I've updated. I mean, what was i THINKING?!?! Ok back to the subject at hand...i got an A in espanol uno, music fundamentals, and piano II. It was TRULY a good semester for me that boosted my GPA greatly. Summer has been going well, and stuff. OH YEAH!!! I went to Chicago to see my best friend Johnny Salinas graduate! I went up there and stayed at his apartment where we watched Smallville and South Park. Drinking games with Smallville didn't really work out as well as i thought it would. We ended up just drinking them becsue nobody wanted to call the next line. But don't think all we did was watch tv and drank there. We only drank one night when we were there. We got to see the navy pier [brought back lobo band midwest trip to chicago], eat some AUTHENTIC deep dish pizza, ate at a so good it was insane hot dog shop called Happy Hound, Faith gave Andrew, Tony, and myself a tour of downtown Evanston, we watched Johnny's senior recital, which by the way was awesome, and i got to hang out with the whole salinas family, which is my second family away from my own. Also on my trip up to Chicago, i got to meet truly a person worth mentioning on RadkeJournal. Yet another life twin...Catherine Berardi. Catherine [Reene] is Johnny's girlfriend, and as Johnny said, she's a lot like me. In fact, she is so much like me that we hit it off ALMOST immediately. It's funny how two people can be so much a like. Just like me, she is awesome, and just like me, she has a great personality. Whoa...i think my head needs to deflate before i go on.

Ah...that's better. Anyway, the trip was a success, I got paid 35 hours of PTO so i didn't lose any money while i was on vacation. Actually, the only money i lost was for my cell phone. 93 DOLLARS!!! Farking roaming. This past few months, I have also developed such an appreciation for Radiohead. I know that prior to about mid May, i thought Radiohead was just good music to listen to when it was raining or when it was an ugly day. Honestly, I never gave it a chance. It was The Bends that opened up my eyes to the beauty of Radiohead. Now I love all of their stuff...they're up there in my top five favorite bands! Right along with 311, Everclear, Hot Hot Heat, and American Hi-Fi. Now that I think about my previous feelings about Radiohead, I laugh at myself, and wonder why my mind was so narrow. Well then...on to more catch up.

So, it was about mid-June now, and basically all I did was hang out with Andrew and Christina, playing zelda games. I'M GONN BEAT THREE OF THEM BY THE END OF THE SUMMER!!! [maybe.] I was hanging out with Mike too and went to Andy's a few times, but the next big even to happen was David and Jackie's wedding!!! Andrew, Tony, and myself were groomsmen and Johnny was the best man. Christina was the maid of honor, Jackie's two sisters and niece were the bridemaids. It was a beautiful wedding, and I have it all on tape. I just have to edit it and stuff. OH!!! Wait...nevermind i'll get back to that. The reception was a lot of fun, and I love being part of the wedding and then going to the reception afterwards. I dunno why...it's almost like you stand out because there are four guys wearing the same exact thing, so people know who was in the wedding. But of course, no attention can be swayed from the bride and groom. There were a few times when i was dancing that either Mike or Brian had the camera, and they were kinda goofing off with it, which is cool and stuff, but this tape was the only video being taken. I'm going to make two copies...one for the families [edited version] and one for everyone else [unrated version]. Oh! I almost forgot to say that Catherine also came down for the wedding and to see everybody again. We had a blast the week she was here, and we all wished it could have lasted longer. I'll come up there sooner or later. Also to meet this Amanda that I've been told I will hit it off right away. The day WILL come where i will grace the north with my presence once again. Ok...lemme get back to what i said i was going to get back to...

My computer has lasted me a very long time, and for 5 semi-great years, it had served me well. But this time it crashed, it was it's last time to work EVERY AGAIN. Ya see, i dunno what happened to it whether it be it was it's time, or a VERY bad virus that destroyed it, but the time has come that i get a new compy, and say goodbye to my old friend. I am going to order my computer today, and once I get it back, i am going to work on the wedding and stuff. My new compy will be EXCELLENT...Mike is making it, and he knows a lot about that kind of stuff, and OF COURSE i trust him...he's one of my best friends. I'll have my new compy by the end of next week probably. YAY!!! I'm so excited.

Well everybody, I think that about wraps it up for me for now. OH!!! I almost forgot AGAIN!!! My sister went to Austrailia and New Zealand this summer for a month and she had a BLAST!!! Brought me back a dijeridoo and karangoo jerky!!! Kangaroo jerky tastes just like regular jerky...with a HINT of tuna taste at the end.

That's it!!! If I forgotten one more thing, it's ok and i'll prolly talk about it next time. That's it!!! YA HEARD!!! and I'M OUT!!!

Website: Facebook responses - Read everyone's responses to random ass facebook messages!!!

ShoUt out: Four of 'em for this entry:
David and Jackie - Good luck for the future...i KNOW you will last forever as husband and wife.
Catherine Berardi - Thanks for being another LIFE TWIN!!!
Melissa Johnson - You win the award for most shout outs on RadkeJournal!!! and HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY!!!

current mood: Energetic because i got up and did a sit up<--not really.

current music: Radiohead - Paranoid Android

Current Word/Phrase of the Day:"Are you fucking kidding me?" ~many people associated with the salinas family and more<--FUN TO SAY WHEN FRUSTRATED IN CAR!!!


Saturday, April 9th, 2005

16:23 - I'm kinda tired...yes kinda tired INDEED

HEY EVERYBODY!!! It's me! Jonathan Robert Radke! Returned from the absence and ready to fill you RadkeNEED once again. My NEW goal is to update everytime i work. I mean, i don't do anything else with my time and plus...this is a good timewaster! Aside from www.i-am-bored.com of course. Well, this past few weeks have been alright. Nothing inmortant has happened. Workin', schoolin', sleepin', hangin', drinkin' <--not TOO much, and tapin'. Johnny came into town the week before Easter and we had a blast hanging out, at parks and shit. Got a lot of good footage for the new video. It's so much fun to just go out to parks and screw around. Even though we're all adults *cough* ANDREW'S NOT! *cough* it's still fun.

Well, Johnny went back to Chicago and I went back to going to class...HA! just kidding. I only skipped piano and spanish once. Oooh...i got a new wristband. That makes it 16 Nintendo wristbands, one Napoleon Dynamite wristband, and a Nintendo wristband WATCH. I have quite the collection, don't i?

Everyone, I don't know if you know this, but I have recently come across a sort of weird and i THINK innovative look...using regular old things as my belt. It all started with a phone cord that I had to use as a belt when we went to Cuero a while back. I always said i would keep it and use it as a belt, but it took me a while to actually do something with it. Well, I used the phone cord again, and I'm thinking, how can I make this more ME...how can I make this more dare i say it, bizarre? Well, it's a phone cord...STICK A PHONE ON IT!!! So, for some odd reason, the phone that use to be in my room (about 6 or 7 YEARS ago) was still IN my room...with everything taken out (wires, buttons, etc.) so all there is left is the fram of the phone. So, I have two plugs to choose from and i just stick one of the ends into the phone. INSTANT classic. I kept it in my back left pocket, and people could still see the phone cord. Oh it was GREAT. I wore it to a theatre group party and i got a good laugh from that crowd. Good people thems are! I was going around handing the phone to people saying "it's for you." It was actually rather fun. The day after that party, I did it again as I went to the galleria with Sprint and crew. Got a lot of looks...both weird and strange and who gives the fuck, if i don't care, you shouldn't. Because REALLY people...the only reason people like to poke fun at other people doing extreme things such as that, their only motive is to make the pereson feel like an idiot. So if the person already KNOWS he's an idiot and doesn't give a shit there is no way to crush his/her spirit. AMEN BROTHA!!!

The whole phone thing was had nothing on what I did the next few times i went out. The next time I added an accessory, it was actually, a Nintendo 64 controller. It was St. Patrick's day, and I was in this whole non-comformist not wear green at all thing. I made a shirt that said "No Green Equals Pinch MY ASS!" and everything was written in non-green colors. It even had a blue four leaf clover on it if you could imagine. I topped it off with a red boxer hat that I wrote all over saying things like, "Green sucks! no es verde! red! rojo!!!" Well, of course, I had the controller there. I just took a controller that didn't work anymore, and used the cord and tied it around my waist to keep my pants up. It was tricky...I had to have the controller low enough so people would notice it, but not TOO low so that it would bother me. Again, I got looks, and again, i didn't give a SHIT. Oh by the way, we went to Sherlocks on Westheimer. GOOD TIMES! We went to Lauren's after that in where I got punched a couple times for not wearing green. There was just cause, so I let them punch if they wanted.

The next time when I wore an accessory, it was when I went to the rodeo with Lauren, Lise, Bentely, and Hutch. I wore a phone charger actually that was dangling from the back of me like an actual plug. Same thingapplied for this as did the controller. it was funny though. I actually got someone to be involved in doing something with it. There was a woman who picked it up and said "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE UNPLUGGED! OH MY GOD!!!" and I just went with it. She was drunk, but oh well...it's all about the shock factor...all about making someone turn their head and take a second look. Isn't that usually how new fads get popular? Yeah...that's what I thought.

After that time, the next accessory night was Easter Saturday...I actually bought some stuff for this look. But didn't spend much. Ok...FIRST I bought a dinky little foamy visor thing that I could write on, i bought some of that fake grass, and then i NEEDED something that came off the belt. AH! Little plush bunnies would do just fine. So I bought a cute little yellow one. That was my ensemble for that night...plus my pink shirt (very Eastery). So, i wore some jeans, put a little bit of grass in the little pocket on the right side, and tied the bunny to a strig from his ear and tied that to my belt, and I had the visor that had shit written all over it retaining to Easter. It was a fun outfit but sadly we didn't go out. We went to David's and watched movies all night. Well, not movies...just favorite parts of movies. I had a good time though.

Now, the whole TOO shocking thing is a little played out for me...for now. But I still wanted to do something that nobody else does. For inspiration of ideas, I go to Hobby Lobby and Michaels and craft places like that. I'm drawing a blank until I see a light...the same company that made that visor, makes sheets of foamy stuff like that too. So, a little bit of quick thinking, I wanted to make something pertaining to nintendo...ya know, go back to my summer 03 roots. At first, I didn't know what I was gonna do with it...i just know I wanted to make the 1up and then go from there. So I do my craft thing, and make it. It looks ok, but the design was flawed...it kept on falling apart. I'm looking at the mushroom, and then it's like a beacon of creativity was directed STRAIGHT into my head. I make it into a belt buckle. GENIOUS!!! Now, how do i do that? I ponder for a little bit, but nothing comes. Then I thought to just glue another flat strap on the back with a few slits in it so i can slip the belt into it. NO, didn't work...the glue just kept on giving in to the pressure. So DAMN...what the fuck am I suppose to do? I can't just disregard my idea of making a belt buckle out of it. It HAD to be done. Being frustrated, I go to Wal-Mart to try to get a muse from SOMETHING or SOMEONE. Well, while i was walking around in the craft section it hit me. VELCRO! I go buy some strips of velcro and some more foamy stuff to make more belt "buckles." I get home and stick on the velcro, and it looks GREAT!!! I know they're not really belt buckles, but people think they are, and that my friends, is AWESOME. I've already made four...a 1up, a power mushroom, yellow star, and a power up potion from Super Mario Brothers 2. It will be the current RadkeTREND. Well people, I can't really think of anything else to say here besides Happy Birthday to three people so far in this month!!!

Happy Birthday Matt Muskiet-->04.01.2005 (22 YEARS OLD!!!)
Happy Birthday Michael Kleinecke-->04.02.2005 (22 YEARS OLD!!!)
Happy Birthday Yatanya ???-->04.08.2005 (??? YEARS OLD!!!)<--sorry bout that

Well, the time has come, where you must say farewell to Jonathan Radke...for now. I'll update when I update.

Website: Cool online clock - check out this cool clock!!! someone actually took the time to do this!!!

ShoUt out: Birthday Kids - Matt, Mike, and Yatanya!

current mood: BORED AT WORK!!! <--how many times has that been the mood?

current music: Hot Hot Heat - Jingle Jangle

Current Word/Phrase of the Day:
Kid 1: Hey did you get the latest Nintendo newsletter?
Kid 2: WHOA! Nice graphics, I'de like to get my hands on THAT game.
Kid 1: You mean you haven't played it yet? We can play it on my Nintendo Entertainment System!
Rapper Kid: It's the Legend of Zelda, and it's really rad. Those creature from Ganon are pretty bad. Octoroks, Tekties, Leevurs too. But with your help our hero pulls through. Yeah go Link, yeah, get some!
Kid 1: Intense.
Announcer: The Nintendo Entertainment System, your parents help hook it up. The Legend of Zelda sold seperately.
~ First Legend of Zelda Commercial EVER!


Saturday, March 12th, 2005

08:57 - Chopped full of nuts and not a second later!

I would like to open up by saying that I apologize for not updating as frequently as I would hope to, but you see, I just get side tracked when I'm at home, and when I'm at work, I'm usually just playing games online. The only problem now, is that the fucking nazis that run the show here blocked every single website that contains the word "game" in it's codec. SUCK. I mean, what the hell do they expect us to do for 12 HOURS? It's really sort of ridiculous but oh well. Life goes on. To begin this entry, I would like to show all of you what I would look like as a South Park character...

Isn't that awesome?!?!?! I thought it was quite humorous. I have created pictures of my extended family also which I will give links to RIGHT NOW!!!

1. Andrew Salinas
2. Christina Salinas
3. David Salinas
4. Jaci Salinas
5. Johnny Salinas
6. Juan Martinez

Haza!!! I can make more if you just ask me online or in person the next time you see me! This is the type of stuff that I use to do at work until THE MAN took it way from me. So, what have I been up to this past month? I really don't know to tell you the truth. The basic stuff ya know, school, work, sleep, beer, beer, beer, etc. Ha! Just kidding...I hardely ever sleep.

I guess the big news with me is that I'm finally understanding physics!!! I got an 88 on our first test, and I'm like one of the smartest kids in my class!!! It only took taking it twice before this to finally understand the shit!!! HOORAY!!! Physics is really quite easy now that I actually understand how to incorporate the equations and such. This semester WILL be the semester of the 4.0 for this little diabetic...I can ALMOST guarantee it.

Well, I've been hanging out with the usual crowd usually including Mike, Juan, Lauren, etc. I can't really remember the exact date, but it was the weekend that Johnny was home, and there was a little "get together" at Lauren's place. Well, I went there and hung out and then all of a sudden some things of my past came back up to resurface that I've pushed away and it is time to resurface them for the whole world to hear about!!! AND I'M NOT ASHAMED ANYMORE!!! There are three specific sort of disgusting stories that I am going to reveal...RIGHT NOW!!!

1. "Tastes so sweet" - The year was 2001, I had JUST turned 18 and it was the first time alcohol and my home met. The night was full of drunkeness, especially when I downed a full glass of a Radke-fied Long Island Ice Tea, where instead of putting an OUNCE of every ingredient, I put a CUP of each ingredient. That start off the insane night of mingling and other. There were so many people there that night, people from my class, and three grades lower than me. It WAS actually my 18th birthday and my first party ever to be thrown at my house. A success I'm sure I don't have to tell you. If I would have to guess, throughout the entire night, there were about 60+ people that came in. Most of whom I knew, but a lot of whom i did NOT know. The usual crap went on in the company of drunkeness such as people throwing up on themselves (Jared), people being throw in the shower to try to sober them up (Amy), girls flashing guys in the middle of the street (Celina) and people ordering porno on the television (Jesus). After my first drink, I was already drunk, but I just kept on going...me and my friend Matt Muskiet got TOTALLY shitfaced and talked by screamigng at each other all night. Well, this was only to get you all in the setting of the story, and give you an idea of what was going on. Well, my senior year, I went to homecoming with a certain girl that I am going to remain nameless to save her dignity. A little bit of crushing went on during the year from both of our sides but no action took place...until that night. Being as drunk as I was, I was just stumbling all over my house talking to friends and random people. Somehow, in my grinning drunkeness, I made it up to my room, and who do I find in the dark? The same girl who I shared familiar feelings with. So in my drunkeness, I make out with her and make the comment "Tastes so sweet!" Of course, there are other people in my room watching all of this going on. Now, keep in mind the room was dark and I was EXTREMELY drunk. <--this plays in to later in the story. Among the people in the room was Michael Kleinecke, and he was the one that pieced this entire story together that very same night. Anyway, later on, while I was in my parents room with that same girl passing out/making out every 5 minutes, Mike was outside with a few guys and a guy name Michael Arnold. Well, Arnold tells all the guys out there what just happened to him--> "I was in this guys room getting a blow job from this girl and this other guy justs walks in and makes out with her and tells her that she tastes sweet, and I'm thinking you DAMN RIGHT I DO." Now, when Mike first hears this, he doesn't think anything until he actually thinks about what he had just heard. Later that morning, when we're all just hanging out in my room, he decides this is a good time as any to share the story of humiliation and disgustingness. I, being the one CENTERED around the grotesqness get sort of pissed off and my self esteem drops to let's just say HELL. Mike has been telling that story to different people ever since and everytime I surfaces, I get embarassed each time, but now, I have nothing to be emabarassed about. We've all done some stupid things involving alchol and that was my first.

2. "Bubble Gum" - This story isn't gonna be as long as the first one...I promise. Well, I can't remember the exact date, but it was when Juan and I started hanging out a lot, so I think it was 2003 or so. Yeah...2003. Well, there was a little hang uut night at Julie's house, and she had a beer bong, and this was my first experience with it. Well, towards the end of the night, there weren't many people left...only like Julie, Juan, Lynn, myself, and this other girl who I don't remember her name. We were all hanging out in Julie's room all pretty drunk, and the girl who I don't know her name, starts telling me and Juan, "you guys are so beautiful...I can't believe that you're both single and blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah." Now, Juan is use to hearing stuff like that, but me, it's a whole different story. My whole life, I've been seen as the "cute" guy that everyone just wants to be friends with, which is fine with me, but this girl told us that we were sexy. I mean, ME...SEXY? Such a combination of words I thought I would never hear. So, I start talking more to that girl, and everyone else eventually leaves the room so we start playing this stupid, idiotic, disgusting game. The game was simple and it involved three things...a piece of gum, my mouth, and her mouth. The premise was that our mouthes were the hoops and the piece of gum was the ball. Whoever made it in the other person's mouth had to make out. I know, why play such a gross game when we were the only ones playing? It's because it was more fun doing it that way, I just wish it would have been a little cleaner. That piece of gum was going all over the place, on the floor, on the desk, in the trash, EFVERYWHERE!!! But yet, we still kept on playing. So, we make out a few times and then we leave the room to join the others. When we left the place, I found out that the girl I made out with had a child and that she is a mother. It kinda freaked me out...I had never made out with a mommy before, but I guess there's a first time for everything.

3. "Ranch Dip Lips" - It was 2004 towards the end of the summer, and I had been hanging out at Lauren's a lot with other random and different people that were always coming in and out. Well, this specific night Chris Soliz was there, and he brought a friend named Nicole Sanchez. She was one 2 pills of xanax, and was REALLY fucked up. The whole night she is devouring chips and ranch dip. I mean not just devouring, like ENGULFING the shit. Ranch dip was all over her face, in her hair, just everywhere. Well, it turns out, that I knew her and she knew me in juinor high in band. She graduated a year after me. Actually, she went out with Johnny in 8th grade which was even sort of weirder. She sits right next to me and puts her arm around me and starts talking..."You know I always thought you were cute at Truitt (<--our juinor high), and I had a crush on you back then." I'm sober, so I'm just lettin' her go on without saying anything except trying to make her feel like what she was saying actually mattered. I'm not like that with everyone, but I just knew she was fucked up and I really didn't wanna cause any drama with anyone that was on drugs. So, she starts playing with my hair, and stuff, and then she turns my head towards her. Not even thinking about it, I open my mouth and start making out with her. It was disgusting...I could TASTE the ranch dip. NOT a good thing to taste when you make out with someone. I always believed firmly with the whole eat a sweet candy before you expect to be making out. Not only do I want the experience enjoyable for me, but I also want who ever I'm with to have a little extra treat right along with it. Now, my only defense in doing that was that with my personality, I don't like people feeling like they're rejected, especially when they're on something. I know she prolly wouldn't have remembered if i DID reject her, but it just happened so fas that I didn't have time to react to what was happening, and I was just acting on instincts. After that happened, I had to go somewhere she couldn't get to me so I go in the bathroom and call Johnny to tell him the crazy shit that just went on. It was during this time that I came to the realization that she wouldn't even remember being pushed away. So, after I'm done talking to Johnny, I go back out there and sit back down on the couch. She plops herself right next to me, and tries to do it again, except this time I don't let her. If I wanted some ranch dip, I would have eaten some chips. The next time she goes to the bathroom, I go to Chris and tell him that I really didn't want to deal with this shit tonight, and to try to keep her away from me. He agrees with me, and makes her keep her distance until they both leave. I can't blame this on alcohol because I was sober, but if I could ever go back, I wouldn't taste the ranch dip flavor of her mouth. GROSS!!!

So people, it's all out in the open now, and if you make jokes about ANY of them, I'll prolly get a little annoyed at first, but I'll know it's all in good clean fun. It's what we do...give friends shit about what they've done in the past. I mean, we're American...it should be our motto.

Now that that's done, it's time to continue with the update. That same night at Lauren's was fun though...not ranch dip night...the night that I went to when all this shit resurfaced. Lately, I've been trying to incorporate difference little accessories to my wardrobe and that night, I had a bow tie with my pink shirt. I like having something on that nobody else would even think about wearing. In fact, I even got good responses from complete strangers. I thought it was funny because when I went to Kroger to buy some beer, I was about to go to the self scan isle, but the person there told me to go to the express lane with a young girl at it. Almost as if she asked her to send me her way. The cashier that rang me out told me, "I like the color of your shirt" and after I said thanks, she said, "your bow tie is cute too" while her eyes were saying "this guy is hot in the quirky sort of way." Or at least that's what I saw. Since the cashier looked about 16, it was cute but flattering. My whole philosophy about that kind of situation though is that they're more attracted to the confidence that exude off of guys. I know I sound fucking cheesy as hell, but I really believe that confidence is a big part of the criteria of a good guy. It takes a lot of guts to wear something that the norms of society finds funny, and to wear that thing in a public place takes even more impudence (<--thanks thesaurus.com).

The rest of that weekend was really fun...we went to Surf Shack, a UH jazz performance, and a good barbeque lunch with a friend from the north, FAITH!!!

The next few weeks went alright, same old shit, and then last week (the week of 6th), Christina came into town for her spring break with two or her Tri Sigma sisters. We had some good times, had some laughs, had some Wario-ness, and it all ended way too fast. The Monday that she was here, I got drunk with Andrew in the game room while playing Drinking Game WarioWare. We were making up drinking games for each little mini game that we played. I ended up having 11 beers that night, Andrew had 5 beers, and Vince had 3. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that I got ridiculously drunk and passed out at my house. What was weird though was that when I woke up the next morning, my pump was disconnected, and in my bathroom, there was a koozy, some icy hot, and an exacto-knife. I have NO IDEA how or why those were in there. Unfortunantely, I couldn't keep my stomach settled...mainly because my blood sugar was so high. Ya know, hangover nausea + high blood sugar nausea = mucho vomito. That's pretty much the exciting stuff that happened that week.

This week is spring break and I might go up to San Antonio with Mauricio, but other than that, I'm not really doing anything else. OH!!! I started the taping of my new music video!!! It's 311 - Come Original. It's sort of funny, but I didn't notice this until after I finished the shooting for the first day...I started shooting my 311 video ON 3/11. Next week Johnny is in town and the JJ crew will be together again for a week which should be fun.

I think that's pretty much it, but I have one last thing to say...my eyes have recently been opened up to the band Radiohead. Now, I know I always talked shit about them saying stuff like, "he has a whiny voice" or "they don't play any actual music" but after hearing their cd The Bends, I just absolutely LOVE them!!! Which brings me to my next point...a band called Hand n' Phirm did a song called Rodeohead which is a medley of a 18 Radiohead songs done in bluegrass style, and it is KICK ASS. IF you haven't heard this, you MUST. I'll give you a link to it here. I highly recommend it. Well everybody, that's it for this update! Sorry about the long absence, and hopefully next time, I'll remember to update at least once during the month. From all of us at Channel 69 news, I'm Jonathan Radke and thanks for readlaxin' with me.

Website: i-am-bored.com - Excellent site to go to when you wanna waste a BUNCH of time

ShoUt out: Faith McCoy - It was awesome hangin' out with ya!!! Hope you move down here!!!

current mood: Relieved that I finally updated

current music: Hard n' Phirm - Rodeohead

Current Word/Phrase of the Day: "It is you I am hungry for!" ~IJ between J, J, n C


Saturday, January 29th, 2005

09:33 - ARGH

So people...I'm tired of waking up to my grandfather where he makes some smug remark that talks down on me...it's the worst way to start the morning. I know it's just family humor but come on...does he have to say something every time he sees me? This morning the comment that was said to my mom RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME was, "Do you and Bobby ever wish that Jon is gonna get a kid just like him?" Now, coming from anybody else this could be viewed as a compliment, but coming from Mr. Radke's mouth, it's a joke about what kind of kid i was. The way he was asking it was like, "Do you and Bobby ever wish that Jon has a kid that is just like a little shit like he is?" I mean, it wasn't torture having me as a kid...I was just like any other kid growing up. I had the occasional tantrum, and of course i got in trouble, but i'm a good one now...I don't smoke, I don't drink A LOT, I'm still in school, I have a steady job, etc. You would think that he can see all the stuff that I've accomplished rather than the stupid juvenile shit that I pulled back in the day. I'm 21 now...and I know that's not saying anything since I feel like a kid at heart, but I'm an adult now, and I should at least be treated better than that in the morning. Maybe I'm just making a big deal out of this since it was early, or maybe I'm just putting too much thought into this, but it obviously bothers me a little bit. Maybe I just need to learn to tune that stuff out. Well then...time for an update!!!

Well, it's been only a few days since I last updated, and not much has been going on...on Wednesday, I went to school at 0900, and our assignment was to write out the C-scale through the B-scale with time signature and everything. Now, since this is Class Piano II and not higher level piano, the professor assumes that people don't know THAT much about piano much less, MUSIC. I finished up in 10 minutes, handed it to the teach, he looks it over and says, "I didn't think anyone would finish this quickly." Well, you forgot that one of your students has been playing piano since he was 6, drums since he was 11, and was in one of the best bands in Texas in high school. HA! After class it was about 09:15, and my next class was at 11:30 so I had some time to kill. I say down in one of the piano practice rooms learning "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven. This is one song I've always wanted to know how to play, but never put the effort towards learning it. I think this is gonna be the time (between my first two classes) that I'm gonna practice a bunch of new music to broaden my musical knowledge on the piano. Well, I went to Spanish, and stayed there until about 11:45 where another teacher went up to the door and put up a sign that said there was no class. So right now, I'm like SHIT! I COULD HAVE GONE HOME 2.5 HOURS AGO!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!! I went home immediately after that, whee I began to work out. That's what I'll be doing three times a week to hopefully slim down again. After my rigorous woprkout, I took a little nap until I had to leave for North Harris. Now, since I've been going straight from UH to North Harris, it hasn't been bad, but today I took 1960 ALL THE WAY DOWN, which was an awful mistake. Such a long drive and so MANY stupid drivers!!! ARGH!!!!!!! After class, I went back home to chill with drunk dad and g-dad for a little bit before I got to Lauren's to chill. Picking up some 32 ouncers, I arrive at Lauren's in enough time to hang out with the whole crew over there. I got relatively inebriated there, but made sure I was good to drive before I actually left. I arrived home at about 04:30 and passed out in my bed all comfortable like.

Thursday was here, and I woke up in just enough time to shower before I went to school. After class, I rushed to work. Work went ok, but after work I went to Tiffany's birthday bash at Midnight Rodeo. It was pretty fun actually, and I got feelin' pretty good. Met Lauren's friend from French class named Kelly. She seems real nice, and she'll prolly be hangin' out with us a little more now. I crashed at Lauren's that night, because I didn't feel like driving home in the wee hours.

On Friday, I didn't have class!!! YEAH!!! I woke up at about 11:00 and after talking with Kelly for a little bit, we went to wake up Lauren and chill in her room for a little bit. Once we all came out again, I sat down and started playing Tetris. I got to level 9 this time! That isn't my best though...I go to level 12 while I was there. That game is amazing...it truly is. The game even tells me that I'm a Tetris Master!!! YEAH!!!!!! Well, the time had to come where it was time for me to go to work. After work, I went with Tiffany and Lauren to watch the movie Hide and Seek. This movie was actually pretty good, and we had a good time watching different kinds of people come out of the theatre. Kids trying to be cool, kids with letter jackets, etc. It's fun to just sit and watch people sometimes. The movie got out at about 11:30, and we stayed chillin' in the parking lot until about 00:15. After that, I had to retire back to my bed where I took residence...FOR SLEEPING!!! I watched a few sp episodes before I went to sleep...more specifically "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" and "Death." I'm gonna try to watch EVERY EPISODE in order from first to last over the course of this semester. IT'S GONNA HAPPEN!!!

This morning I woke up for work, heard that comment, and then left for work. Right now, I'm ending this. GOOD BYE.

Website: Unwritten Law - GREAT music, GREAT band, hopefully GREAT cd

ShoUt out: Tiffany - Happy 30th birthday!!!

current mood: SLEEPY!!!

current music: Unwritten Law - Save Me

Current Word/Phrase of the Day: "Are you staring at my neck brace?" ~Shelly Marsh


Tuesday, January 25th, 2005

22:06 - "You're a good kid Jon...no matter what they say"

"Thanks Grandfather" is what i think EVERY-DAMN-TIME he says that same thing. I think he forgets that I hear it EVERY time he comes into town. Oh well...he's getting a little senile...is that how you spell that word? oh well. WELL THEN...a lot has happened since i last updated...more than TWO WEEKS AGO.

The important things though is what I am going to write in...let's see. On the 10th, our little friend Juan Martinez turned 21! YEAH! We started the night at about 20:45 RUSHING to Spec's for his first alcoholic purchase of Cazadores. mmmmmmmm...he loves that stuff. After we were done making our transaction, we headed downtown to meet up with Ashley and Lauren at a jazz bar called uh, Sambuca. It was pretty fun...except for the expensive ass drinks...six dollars for a seven and seven. GEESH. After the bar, I Juan and I went to UH to pick something from from a friend, but after that, we went to LMK (Lauren M. Kay's) to have his OFFICIAL party. It was full of "dizzy" people, beer drinkers, and of course, the man who poured the bottle cazadores STRAIGHT into his mouth for 5-10 seconds, Juan. I got some good footage of some EXTREME funnage with my digital camera...YES! Just ask me if you wanna see all the funness.

On Thursday, January 14th, we went to Midnight Rodeo and drank a bunch of stuff including an eight dollar Jagerbomb. OUCH! AGAIN! Mike was suppose to meet us up there but unfortunantely there was "the law" out to get Mike that night. going 80 in a 55 PLUS in a construction zone. That ain't gonna be a pretty fine. Juan and I met up with some people up there including best friend Melissa Johnson, with her friends Anastasia and Kristen. Kimmy kat was also there and Nabor came in a little later to take the jagerbomb with us. I really like Jagerbombs people...they're good...but EXPENSIVE! After Midnight Rodeo, I drove Juan home and then i went home myself.

That next night, I don't really remember what I did. DAMMIT!!! It's not coming to me. Oh yes...i remember now...well, after I battled the fierce dragon for the key of the city at Bellville, we went to this bitchin' club where i won a contest for best dancer. After I fought threw the crowd to get back to my truck, I took a trip to Denver to be a part of the band "Gold Slippers" before they sold out and became "RUSH II". Well, when I got back it was about 6 PM now, and I was ready to eat dinner. I whipped up a 78 course meal full of lobster and steak...as a matter of fact, I had some Lobster Steaks. It's what you get when you cook a half lobster half cow called a Cowbster YUM YUM!!! When i finished my 78 course meal it was about 18:30 and at this point, I had to take a break and watch The Simpsons of course. At seven I went bowling and bowled a 450. It was amazing. After that, I went to Slick's and drank 411 beers while beating any challengers. At about 10:00 PM, I decided it was time for a change. I then went to Africa and wrestled a giant boar that had needles coming out of his eyes. I think the local people called it "Bolikawa" which is Molangish for "boar with needles coming out of his eyes." Thankfully I made it hom by 23:30 in time to work a full eight hour day. After that, it was 01:30, and it was time for me to write a best selling novel and make a movie starring the talented Melissa Johnson. After we won the Oscar for best actress and best movie, it was time for me to go back home. The time now was 03:00 and I was getting tired. Before I went to bed, I composed the next greatest song of our millenium on a new instrument called the Bangie Flute. A combination of the flute and drumset. As I was turning off my light, I decided to do one more thing so I made a trip around the world. I was in bed by 04:00 with a smile on my face.

BOY!!! What an exciting day!!! So, Saturday was here and it was another hang out night at Andy's before school starts. It was fun like always, and I got home at about 4 AM like always.

***WARNING*** This next section is for the fait at heart and if you don't like gross stories, DON'T READ IT...skip this next paragraph...

Sunday was a day of chillin' until that night...I was hangin' out at Mike's, right? Well, we're watching movie trailers online and i feel these groans in my lower digestive tract, and i tell mike, "dude...i have to take the shit of my life" so he says ok and i go. Now, they were having some electrical problems in their house so their only bathroom working was the downstairs one which is SUPER SMALL and has carpet in it. I go, and it is definently the shit of my life, and i flush. CLOG. "AHHHHH!!!!!" is what was going through my head. Actually, while it was rising to the top, i was thinking, "please no, please no, please no." THANKFULLY it doesn't go over the top, and so I think it's gonna be a quick fix with a plunger. Well, just my luck, they didn't have a plunger...ANYWHERE. It's so bad that I offered to go to Wal-mart to buy one. Thank the lord for Wal-Mart. When I got back, Mike says, "you better tell my mom to get out of there" and i'm thinking like, "why did you let her go in there?!?!" So, I knock on the door and tell her that I'm about to take care of it. I wish he would have told me their bathroom is out of service also. Well, it wasn't his mom...it was his dad. So he comes out wearing only tighty whities and says ok. Now, i think he has a habit of flushing the toilet before he actually goes, and with the top down, he didn't see the disaster under it. As he's walking out, you see it overflowing over the sides, and I'm about to throw up. Let's just say it looked like my body didnt' really digest my taco bell earlier that day. EW. So, it's overflowing and it's getting on the carpet. DOUBLE EW. Since it's my own feces, I have to take care of it. I took care of the clog, and it was time to take care of the mess. it's all around the rim, it's in the carpet of the bathrom...IT'S EVERYWHERE!!! I suck it up and clean it, because i know nobody else would have done it. So, after a trip to wal-mart, loads of embarassment, a roll of paper towels, and a WHOLE lot of soap, it was finally cleaned up. I was exhausted after this traumatic experience and so i sat down on his couch and we watched The Mighty Ducks. That night ended once again at 4 AM or so.

Well, on Monday, I took it easy because i knew school was that next day. I only had one class...at 14:30, but i still wanted to be rested up. Like I always do, I'm gonna post my schedule on here so I can look back on it and laugh at the classes...
Class Piano 2 MWF - 0900-0955
Spanish for Beginners MW - 1130-1350
Physics (@ North Harris) MW - 1800-2050
Music Fundamentals TTh - 1430-1550

Well there it is!!! MY CLASS SCHEDULE FOR SPRING 2005. I'm sure you'll notice a few classes that make it seem like i'm wasting this semester, but you're wrong. Ya see, the only classes i have left to take are Physics, Organic Chemistry I & II. I signed up for Physics and O. Chem, but it was the wrong o. chem class. I signed up for INTRO to o. chem, and what I need is the actual O. CHEM. So, I had to drop it, and just my luck, there were no openings in the REAL class that i needed. So, I signed up for spanish. I'm just taking those music classes so i could be a full time student and get insurance because that is max importance to especially me with my four diseased ass self. Well, the classes are going pretty well so far, and i think this semester i might actually get a 4.0!!! That would be the day. YES.

Well, I don't really have anything else to say other than my g-parents are in town and we've been eating like kings these past few days, and on that note, I'll say GOOD BYE!!!

Website: TAKE MY QUIZ!!! - See how well you REALLY know me...NO ONE will get a 100!!!

ShoUt out: Mike's dad - So sorry for the rude awakening

current mood: ENERGETIC!!!

current music: Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta

Current Word/Phrase of the Day: "Are you serious?" ~Me asking Emily after she said, "Luigi's Mansion...is that on XBox?"


Sunday, January 9th, 2005

09:38 - Diabetic, no spleen, asthmatic, & hypothyroidic and STILL TICKIN'!!!

Hey everyone!!! As I checked on rj this morning, I was shocked to see that the last time I updated was the FIRST!!! WOW!!! I can't believe how FAST these past 8 days went by. I've been keeping busy with stuff involving the wedding (Brie and Chris), and it has been much fun. On Thursday night, it was his bachelor party where we met up at Outback Steakhouse to eat some good eatin'. It was nice seein' those guys again...Kyle, Jimmy, Jeff, and Chris. After eating at Outback, we all went to Slick Willie's to play some pool and drink some beer. We also got to see Jennifer with all her glory...and beauty. We actually didn't close out Slick's which was TOTALLY different than usual. All of us sort of left at different sporatic times, but it came down to me, Mike, Daryl, and Chris leaving at midnight. After we left Slick's, we went to the Pratho house to (not planning it) drink a case of beer...between the four of us! It was good clean fun. I got pretty drunk, and a lot of that night was just a blur. We got some good footage of it though with my new camcorder. That night, I got home at about 4ish and then passed out in my bed.

So friday was here, and this was a day to get some shit done...I had to pay for my UH tuition, pick up my tux at Al's, and go to the rehersal dinner for the wedding. All went as planned, and the dinner was scrumptious. After the rehersal dinner, we all went back to Pratho's house to drink some brews and watch my videos...:). It was good clean fun, and as Pratho's mom puts it, "if you would just use all that talent and brains towards something more"...or something like that. When I got home at roughly 00:30, I didn't really plan on leaving again, but Christina called me to see if I wanted to go to David's so of course, I went...mainly because I didn't think I would have time to see her before she leaves for San Antonio on Sunday (Today). I picked her and Andrew up from their house and we left for there at about 01:00. When we got there, we debated what we should watch for a good while before actually putting MADE in. Good movie...some GREAT Vince Vaughn parts. I retired to my house after the movie at 4ish again.

SO...Saturday was here and the wedding was FINALLY upon us. I woke at noon because I had to be at the church at 13:30. I was one of the groomsmen in case you didn't know. The groomsmen were Chris's cousin Dustin, myself, Michael Kleinecke, and Jimmy Picone with Chris's brother Daryl being best man. We all had fun at the wedding and the reception, and I'm proud to say, that I only had 3 beers...THERE WERE 2 KEGS!!! After the reception, I took Jaci home and then continued the night to Pratho's house once again. They brought the extra beer there so we could work on floating them...BOTH that is. Sad to say, we did not even float one of them this night. I didn't really have that much anyway because I had work at 9 AM this morning, and I really didn't want to fight a hangover. Today starting at noon we will try to float them though, and since I don't have to be here until 15:00, I'll try to put a good dent in it. Well, sorry if this entry hasn't been up to your satisfaction with jokes and such stuff like that, but I dunno...I'm just not feeling up to it after 4 hours of sleep...OH WELL. PEACE I'M OUTTA HERE!!!

Website: LAUNCH music - See what I listen to all day at work!!!

ShoUt out: Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pratho - congradulations on getting hitched!!! You make a GREAT couple!!! Oh...and thanks for letting me be part of your wedding!!!

current mood: Really quite tired

current music: Three Days Grace - Just Like You (this current music is a joke...because this song got the number one song on the top 94 of 2004 list...BULLSHIT!!!)

Current Word/Phrase of the Day: "Is that goal regulation size or WHAT?!?" ~Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler)


Saturday, January 1st, 2005

15:31 - HAPPY 2005!!!

So people, it has been another year, and we have all grown one more year wiser. This year, I think for me, was one of my most growing and maturing years...not merely because I turned 21, but also because I've come to realize a lot of things about myself that I did not know before. In these past few months, I've come to the realization that alcohol isn't necessary to have fun, and the matter of fact, I have just as good a time without drinking than when i DO drink...the only difference is that I don't have a splitting headache the next morning with a feeling of nausea. Another thing I completely stopped doing was smoking (cannibus). I was never really a big pothead, and I never really ever felt the NEED to smoke. It was just a social thing, and I don't even know why I kept on doing it, because I don't like the way I get when I do smoke. In my entire life time, I've probably gotten high no more than 10 times. I've been telling my friends that we started having random drug tests at the hospital so they wouldn't keep on pushing to smoke, but the truth must come out now. There are no random drug tests...I just don't like weed. In the times I did smoke, I've only had 2 good experiences. Plus...with all the problems I have with my body, I just don't think I need that stuff added to the expanding list. I still love hanging out with other people that smoke, and I'm not the type to lecture anyone on it...there isn't hardely anything bad about it. The only advice I would have to give is MODERATION...smoke in moderation.

Every New Year's Eve, I have different resolutions that I almost never see through, but I'm going to really try harder this time. My resolutions for 2005 are:

1. Not be as shy with new people as I usually am.
2. Make good grades in ALL my classes.
3. Don't party as much as I did after my 21st.
4. Stick to the books, and don't get side tracked by peers.
5. Make working out part of my regular schedule.

I'm really gonna try to make these resolutions happen, and hopefully I will have the will power to see them through. SO!!! It's time for an update, huh...well, since it's only been like two days since my last update, it won't be THAT long...or will it?

On Wednesday night, I got off of work and went to Dave and Busters with Matt and a bunch of people from high school!!! It was good clean fun...Matt, Ryan Landrum, and myself had a few drinks, but not too much. After cashing in some serious tickets (about 4000) on shot glsses, shooter glasses, a soft fuzzy pink ape for Christina, and a electronic coin organizer, we left D&B. In the parking lot, we got some people to take our picture for us, and I received yet another compliment for my nintendo belt!!! I love when I get compliments on that kind of stuff...it makes me feel good. That made it a total of 3 nintendo compliments that night.
1. Shirt compliment from Robert Burford, 2. Wallet compliment from bar girl, and 3. Belt compliment from crazy asians in the parking lot.
I mean, who doesn't love nintendo? After we left D&B, Matt and I went to David's to watch Superman II with Salinas & Co. Since it made me think of her when i saw it, I gave the pink ape that I got to Christina. She seemed rather surprised that I gave her something without a reason, but ya know, making people smile is one of the things I do best, and you shouldn't always need a reason to give someone a gift. I had about 3 beers at David's, and then it was time to go home (at like 02:30-03:00).

Thursday was here, and guess what...I WAS OFF!!! I woke up at about 12:30, and went to learn "Can You Read My Mind?" on piano. I learned it at about 13:30 playing it flawless without any mistakes. After I learned it, I went to Johnny's to have a little bite to eat as well as play a little nintendo. Super Mario 64 had me consumed for a good couple hours. Later on, Jorge came over to see if we want to go to TC. While Christina and Jorge went to TC, Johnny, Andrew, and myself went to Wal-Mart to pick up some shit. When we all came back, we watched Napoleon Dynamite...AGAIN. This movie doesn't get old people...it gets funnier each and every time you watch it! The rest of the night was mostly at Johnny's playing Mario Tennis. First it was Matt & Johnny against me & Andrew, and then when Matt went home, Mike came and took Matt's place. The whole Andrew/Jonathan team doesn't really work out, since we can't beat ANYBODY! Oh well though...I'm a better individual player than a team player...the opposite of Johnny. After Mike and I left Johnny's, we went to meet up with GAP crew people at IHOP. Ashley, two friends of hers, Lauren, Karla, Beth, Juan, Alan, and Travis were the people there to be specific. We went home at about 04:00, and then I fell asleep after talking to my late laTE LATE night chat buddy, Christina, for a little bit.

Friday...NEW YEAR'S EVE!!! I had to work from 09:00-03:00!!! YEAH!!! WHICH MEANS I ONLY GOT 3-3.5 HOURS OF SLEEP!!! Well, I made it through the day of work, and when I got off, I went hit up the stores for my drinks and such. After shopping and after about 85 dollars, I went to get my shit ready for the night. New Year's Eve started out at Christina's party where I began making my excellent and STRONG drinks. I used about 1.5 liters of McCorrmick's and a good about of peach schnapps. Andrew (14 year old) got PLASTERED off of Peppermint and Peach Schnapps...oh, and a shot of mccorrmicks vodka...that little kid is hard core. He was pretty much drinking ALL NIGHT, from alcohol to beer. We left the Salinas house at about 00:30, and moved the party to Mike's house where the drinks continued and the drunkeness also followed. As a matter of fact people, I didn't get drunk at all this entire night...I had about 5 beers in the course of 6 hours. I got a lot of good footage with my new camcorder, including DRUNK ANDREW. It was a fun night though...I wish I could have seen the GAP crew, but it just didn't work out. When I got home, I watched the tape I recorded, and went to sleep soon after starting it.

This morning was pretty crazy filled with an extreme low blood sugar and some brain craziness. I hate it when I wake up low, because I can't distinguish between reality and fantasy. I wake up thinking that I'm still in the dream so I act out dream sequences in reality. When I woke up, I tried getting out of bed, and the SECOND my legs hit the ground, they went limp. I couldn't move them or anyhing. I was so dissoriented that I didn't know where I was. Just to remind all of you...this was caused by a low blood sugar, not hangoverness. I can't use my legs, so I have to pull myself anywhere i needed to go. I'm laying on the floor, not knowing what to do since I'm thinking my legs don't work. I'm trying to get up, but keep on falling down, and when I finally DO get up, I stumble around and then fall on my face right on the floor. This is not a good feeling in case you were wondering. I finally get the power to drag myself out of my room and over to my stairs where I move down slowly, step by step. I eventually make it to the kitchen where I go to get some juice or something to make my blood sugar go up. I'm still extremely confused and I think it took me 10 minutes to find the glasses and the juice. I was looking all over my kitchen for the cups, and I was looking in the pantry for the juice (that was in the refrigerator). I finally get the juice and i have my cup, and i try to pour the juice, but one thing was standing in my way...THE CAP. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. I was even getting pissed off at myself becasue I couldn't accomplish such a sumple task. I eventually realized what I was doing, and I drank down the rest of the juice. I had to lay down after all of that, because my body was exhausted and I couldn't take anymore. Johnny came over at about 14:00 to make sure I was up because I had to work at 15:00 today. I'm glad he did, because I would have never woken up. Thanks a bunch, Johnny. So, here I am now, updating my journal, and watching the clock as it slowly reaches nine 'o clock. That's all you're gettin' from me!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Website: 2004 - Year in Review!!!

ShoUt out: Johnny Salinas - Thanks for waking me up for my time and a half day!!!

current mood: Recooperating from this morning

current music: Weezer - Island in the Sun

Current Word/Phrase of the Day: "Hi 2005!" ~Written on my arm on New Year's Eve in Silver paint


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